Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Blog Anniversary!

This Sunday marks my blog anniversary!  Can you guess how long I've been blogging?


Isn't that amazing?  During that time many fellow bloggers have stopped blogging, and many have gone on to make a full time business from blogging.  I've done neither!  I've continued to write and share photos of our life, my thoughts, recipes or things I felt were important to say.

Also during that time I've made wonderful friendships.  The kind that let me know that there were kindreds in the world!  

Here is a link to my first post - Welcome!

My kids were so small!  10 years is a long time when your raising kids.  My kids were 17, 15, 13, 7, 4, and 19 months old!  Now they are 27 - married with two daughters, 25 - married, 23 - married with one daughter, 17, 14, and 11.  Several of them have birthdays coming up.

Tim and I are grandparents now!

But we still live in our sweet cottage, still growing in the Lord, and happier together than ever.

Here are my favorite people and how we've changed over the years!

I love having this blog.  It's like a family history!


Sylvia said...

Happy Blogaversary, Deanna! I love looking at before and after photo's. My don't they grow up fast! You have a beautiful family!

Debby Ray said...

Oh how fun to see your family photos through the years! Happy Ten Year Bloggeversary to you!

Pam said...

What fun to see the flashback photos of your sweet crew! Congratulations on 10 years!!!!

Deanna said...

Hi Deanna. Ten years is a milestone especially with blogging!
Congrats to a successful adventure.

Rebecca said...

Congratulations! How time has flown...
I'm so glad you continue to blog consistently. (Wish I could remember when I "found" you.)

Vee said...

Congratulations! You are four months older than I, now that was fun to say. 😉 What fun to see the family change and grow. Some change more than others and some seem timeless. There were some double-takes as I looked through the photos... Lots of fun! Here's to another ten years of blogging...

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Congrats!!! That's quite an accomplishment!! Love all the pics. Enjoy your weekend.

Lorrie said...

How fun to see the family photos from over the years. Yes, families change - a lot! You are about 3 weeks ahead of me in blogging - I started March 31, 2007. Congratulations on 10 years!

Christine said...

Ten years is a long time. It sounds like you have been faithful and consistent. I love that.
I noticed that your family pictures, the group gets bigger and bigger. That's what we all want. One big happy family.
Again, congratulations on ten years.
(Mine is next year)

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Happy Anniversary. More happy blogging!

Cheryl said...

Happy Blogiversary!! I loved looking through the photos in this post! What fun to see the sweet little ones, to see all of the changes over the years, to see life unfold!

Theresa said...

Beautiful post and I am SO happy that we are friends! LOVED seeing these family pictures! We are BLESSED! HUGS!

relevanttealeaf said...

Happy belated blogging anniversary! 10 years is quite a milestone, and testament to your perseverance. The family photos are lovely. Nothing shows the quick passage of time better than photographs.

Margie said...

Congratulations on your 10-year blogiversary, Deanna. It was fun to see how much your family changed and expanded over a decade. Here's to another 10 years of blogging!

Gina said...

Congratulations! Like you, I have a shock when I realize how long I have been blogging and how much my little ones have changes since I began. Since I don't journal or photo scrapbook anymore, I like to look through the blog and see what all we've done the past years.

Farrah said...

Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on a decade of blogging!

Tea and Friendship

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