Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 17, 2017

Garden: David Austin Roses

I'm in love

Falstaff Climbing Rose

 Can't you just see this climbing up and over my archway in the front garden?  I can.

Iceberg Climbing Rose

 How about two of this beauty framing a seating area?

How about being able to go out and walk amongst this beauty?  Or clip fresh roses every week?
 The Ancient Mariner

 Claire Austin

 The Queen of Denmark

L.D. Braithwaite

There is so much beauty on David Austin's website that I don't know what I would choose. 

I've been trying to ignore the snow and cold that we have received so near to spring by looking at gardens online.  

Prince Charles' Highgrove House Gardens are beautiful and inspirational.  When he bought the house there were no gardens and not very many trees around the house.  What he's done there is amazing.

Do you garden?  If so,what do you like to grow?


Mrs. Chrissy T said...

We used to. We used to grow tomatoes, sunflowers, lillie's, roses, wildflowers, squash, watermelon, peas.

Estelle's said...

I adore climbing roses....cannot wait to visit Mr. Austin's gardens! Thanks for sharing this Deanna!

Sylvia said...

So Beautiful, Deanna. I love roses! I don't garden much anymore, since we sold our home of 14 years and moved into the city from the country. I did have some roses. I love Iceburg roses and all these are just simply georgeous ! Yes, I can see them in your garden and mine, in my mind!

podso said...

Beautiful flowers you've shared today. I like that he gives a five year guarantee. We have one healthy rose bush that produces about four beauties a year. Then our knock out roses and sometimes outstanding. That's about it. But there's nothing like a rose.

Cathy said...

I do not garden, but those roses are gorgeous!

Vee said...

Sure I can! Hope that you come in for a landing because this snow will melt someday soon.

Tea and Friendship

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