Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday's Feast

Fill in the blank: The best thing about where I live is : my family and all the historical locations!
Create a new name for a deodorant: Cottage Garden
What was the last piece of software you installed onto your computer? Stop Motion software for my daughters' movie making program.
Main Course:
If you were to receive a superlative award today beginning with the words ”Most likely to…”, what would the rest of the phrase say? be grocery shopping! But would rather read or blog!
What two colors do you like to wear together? This summer denim and bright colors.
What about you?


  1. I agree with your Historical places. I would love to see them all!!!

  2. Me too! I have yet to see everything I want to but am going to start working toward that more diligently.


Welcome to Creekside Cottage - a place of Hospitality, Friendship and Encouragement!

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