Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 11, 2012

A Great Way To Start The Week

Emily and her dad have been bike riding in the early mornings several times a week.  This morning after Tim went to work, Emily and I were the only ones awake so I suggested going out to breakfast.  She agreed and we headed out to Tanglewood Golf Course and their great little Gallery Grille.

I enjoy opportunities to spend one on one time with my kids, and with my adult daughters and our schedules it is not often that we get this chance.

I love listening to their hearts and hearing how they are growing, what they may be struggling with, what they are excited about.

Next month Em will be going to a youth Bible conference in South Carolina.  She is excited to see how the Lord is going to challenge her.  I love that.

I recognize that the years we have with our children in our home is fleeting as as Emily and Lindsay are lovely young women, these years are will come to an end sooner rather than later.

I am thankful for mornings like today and a chance to be together.  I am very blessed!


Vee said...

(The story of Susannah Wesley's commitment to spend alone time with each child comes to mind. Good heavens! I never knew all the hardships that she endured. [Yes, I wanted to be sure that I was thinking of the right woman so checked it out at Wikipedia.])

Hope that you gals had some fun and I'm sure that you did if Em's expression is an indicator.

Anonymous said...

What an adorable picture! :o)

Cheryl said...

Yes, one-on-one time is hard to come by, but worth the effort. I need to be alert to opportunities such as you had this morning. As you pointed out, these times are limited, and we must make the most of them when we can. Thanks for the reminder!

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