Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What My Day Looks Like

I thought I would share what a day in my life looks like.  

Today is unusual because my van is getting the a/c charged at our favorite garage and so I needed to drive my husband in to work, and we dropped the van off on the way.

When I got up this morning, I made my bed - today is a sheets and comforter folded back kind of day - I am airing the bedding.  The pillows are all standing up nice and perky.  I have a three pillows at each place on our bed, and today I have two with red pillowcases, two white with lace trim, and two with pillowshams that match my comforter.  The feather pillow that Tim sleeps on is in front of all of these and is in a homespun red check pillowcase I made.  I also have a red floral pillow and a white battenburg lace pillow in front of all the pillows.  It sounds like a lot but it only takes a minute or less to put on and take off the bed, and they make me happy!

Here is an older photo of the bed but this is very similar to how I have it these days.

When I got home from taking Tim to work, I went out to my front garden, and cut two of my hydrangea and an armful of feverfew.

They are so beautiful!  I have the hydrangea on the piano and the feverfew by the sink.  Since I spend quite a bit of my day in the kitchen at the sink, I want to have pretty things to look at!  

In a few minutes I will leave to take Rachel and Emily into the store and then at noon I will drop Lindsay at her job at the theatre.

In between these trips out I am 

- working on stuff for the online store - still working out bugs and things....

- directing kids in their chores

- cleaning the bathrooms

- mopping floors

I also am getting the urge to rearrange a room - so it might be my room or the living room, and that may not happen today!  

I don't have to cook dinner tonight because Kay has it all planned - chicken has been marinating overnight.

Later I will go and pick Tim and the girls up from work and we will spend time together having dinner, doing dishes, talking...maybe we will watch a movie.

So what are you doing today?


Becky K. said...

I let our favorite evaluator into the church, finished up some paperwork for Chelsea, will probably take Jonathan to get his permit and have two candle orders to fill.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your day, I always enjoy it when homemakers do that. :o)

Beth said...

Hi! We are trying to get a bedroom for our almost adopted little boy, Israel, ready for him! We just finished painting it a "construction truck" yellow and are battling the twin size bed. We can't find the correct screws and nuts...several are suddenly missing.'s time to run to the hardware store but there might be enough time to stop by my favorite taco place first.....yum!
We are rearranging the bedrooms and at this point, we feel rather overwhelmed. So I think a nice dose of queso and chips are in order!
Then it's off to trumpet lessons tonight and more house cleaning!
Love your bed!

Vee said...

I'm exhausted. Thankfully, your supper is covered!

What happens to all the pillows overnight? Do they sit on a chair? In a basket? I've always wondered what folks do with the extras.

Today, I'm working on cleaning the flooded basement. Oh joy unspeakable!

Cheryl said...

Deanna, I am loving your bed! I am especially fond of the homespun check, but you have put all the patterns together beautifully!

Today was one of those "spin your wheels" kind of days, involving too many phone calls and a long time spent on the internet designing and ordering Father's Day gifts and a trip to the grocery store. But the day ended with a phone call with wonderful news from my far-away son, so I will go to bed on Cloud 9! :D

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...