Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Life Is Busy

And about to be a bit busier!  

Next Monday, Tim and I are taking my parents to the airport as they head out on a visit with my brother and his family.  There are 4 grandkids - all adults - and 3 great grandsons to visit, two of whom they haven't seen in person yet!  My mom is anxious to hold those sweet boys!

The Sunday after they leave Emily will be heading south for a week to attend a youth conference.  She is excited to see what the Lord will teach her during this time.  I will work her days in the store.

My parents will get back the day before Emily does, and that is also the day that Kayleigh and Kamryn head south on vacation with Kay's dad and stepmom.  She is excited.

So I think my head will be spinning more than usual as I keep track of who's coming and going and when and where and what am I doing?  Listen, if I say stupid things during that time, just overlook it will you?  Thank you.

When I was a growing up I always wanted to be a wife and mother.  God granted that wish so wonderfully, and yet I never dreamed we would have such a span of ages and that after almost 25 years of marriage I would have 3 school age kids still!  The blessings are many and I believe I will never go through empty nest syndrome.  By the time Kyle graduates from school, my granddaughter Kamryn will be a teenager and I am certain to have many more grandkids by then!

It seems as if tourist season has kicked in here finally and that is good for the store!  I will be in there tomorrow.  It is very different than my everyday life to be in the store in the city, but I like it.  I get to talk to new and interesting people, work on purchases, plan for the next season....

Life is busy, but I think that is how God wants us to be.  Busy with His work and focus on people, being involved in their lives, helping them, encouraging...It is interesting to me that God gave Adam the blessing of work, before the Fall.  And the example of 6 days to work and one to rest.

The weather has been beautiful here but is about to heat up!  July is on its way!  Half the year is past already...soon we will all be talking about our fall plans and decorating and getting our kids back into the school routine....

 We really are blessed.  Kyle and Sarah are Lyme free, by the way. I think I forgot to mention that!

My life is busy and crazy and full of these delightfully goofy people.  Blessings abound....


Becky K. said...

It is never boring....that is the upside. So excited for your Mom and Dad to see everyone in CA. That will be sweet.

I love your new choices for the store. If I ever get some extra cash I'll have to pop in. You are getting to my personal taste now.

Still, I'm glad that you have the tourists and don't have to rely on my poor budget to keep you in business. lol

Melissa G said...

I'm so glad to hear they are Lyme free! Praise God!

You got some goofy kids there. Those last pictures are so funny! =)

Rebecca said...

May God bless your busy-ness AND your business :)

Cheryl said...

A busy time indeed! If you are anything like me (although I suspect that you are more organized!), you'll have to check the calendar each day to see what's going on!

I love that you have 3 school-age kids after almost 25 years of marriage! It keeps things fresh and new, doesn't it? I cannot imagine my life without either of my children, and I am thankful to be the mother of an 11-year-old after almost 34 years of marriage. Sometimes I dread the days of no young children and no more homeschooling...but I do find great joy in my grandchildren, so I will adopt your perspective about the empty nest. Thank you!

Glad to hear that no one has Lyme disease!!

Vee said...

Yay for the good report! Just growing pains?

You need a secretary. If you say silly things (as silly as those photos?), I will send Becky over to check on you. =D

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear they are Lyme free, I had been wondering.

Yes, life is very busy for you, but the good kind of busy and you are very blessed! :o)

Brenda said...

Your life looks wonderful, busy but wonderful. I am excited about your store. That really sounds like a great experience. I am at a point in my life where I pray for direction every day. Having a store like that sounds like fun. Hard work but fun. So glad you are doing well. I have been away from blogging for a bit but I am back.
missed ya....brenda

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