Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Garden: Late Autumn

I haven't posted many photos of the garden lately.  It is mostly finished for the year, but there are a few things in bloom so I thought I'd show you.

This is a daisy like mum.  It blooms in late September.  This one is  pale yellow, another one in the garden is pink.


This one makes me laugh.  I sowed these hollyhocks in late May.  I had one come up and bloom.  Now there is this small one with buds on it.  It will not last, we are expecting COLD weather later this week.

 My beloved hydrangea. This one blooms on old growth, but last years winter killed all the old growth.  I was thrilled to find that the plant was not dead however and I am expecting lots of blooms next year!

 Here is the pink daisy mum.  It gets pinker as it's blooms fade.  I don't see any bees on it, but normally the bees are all over these.  They are thankful for a late source of pollen.

This is a Gold Mound Spirea.  It is such a pretty shrub.  In the spring and summer the foliage is a chartreuse color with dark pink flowers on it.  In the autumn, as you can see the leaves are russet colored.  

You can probably see that the lamppost and the fence need new paint and a few repairs.  That will have to wait for spring.  Not enough time to get them done before the cold weather settles in.

 My beautiful tree.  The leaves changed in late October and it is nearly bare in mid-November.  

This is the third wasp like nest we've found in our neighborhood.  They are all about this size.  

Do you garden?  What are your favorite plants in your garden?


podso said...

Those daisy like mums could make you think spring or summer but not the rest of your photos. What a difference a few weeks can make. Our trees are dropping leaves like crazy now. I think our cold weather coming sounds like some serious cold.

A Whole Lotta Magic said...

Gardening is over for us here, but I love roses ... at last count I have 22 different varieties.

Vee said...

I empathize. My roses were covered in small buds when I covered them yesterday. Had to leave the buds so the strength of the plant will go back into the roots. I was sorely tempted to have a bouquet in the house. Are you tempted to have some hollyhocks? I hope the coming cold doesn't amount to much. Time does fly and it often seems to run out for me, too.

Lorrie said...

I did some garden cleanup yesterday afternoon and found a few rosebuds, some green strawberries and a tiny new apple all alone on a branch. Some plants are all mixed up!
Your hydrangea looks very healthy and I hope you get lots and lots of blooms next summer. Hydrangeas are among my most favourite of flowers (it's so hard to choose).

Tea and Friendship

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