Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

She's Home!

Excitement abounds!

 A sign the kids made to welcome her home.

 This is Kyle's section - he is telling her he loves her, and drew her a sunflower.

 Sarah's been growing and was hoping to be taller than Emma but not yet!

Oh yes, she's home all right, and not one person is happy about it at all!

And ahead of the snow!


Melissa G said...

Aw, what a special welcome home!
Nope, we can tell...nobody is excited about it at all!

Please send us some snow!!!!

Lorrie said...

So wonderful to be together! I know your heart is full of love and emotion to have your sweet daughter under your roof again. Enjoy every minute.

(and I'm heading to the post office this morning with your book!) No teaching call today!

A Whole Lotta Magic said...

That's wonderful; I'm so happy for you all. Happy Thanksgiving!

Vee said...

...and all is right with the world! Love seeing those smiles from ear to ear.

Cheryl said...

I can feel the excitement as I read your post and see your photos! So many happy smiles...with a few funny faces thrown in, Rabe-style! :D

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!

podso said...

Much joy at your house!

Tea and Friendship

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