Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hospitality: House Guests and Homeschooling

We have house guests for a few days.  They are a home educating family as well, so this morning it has been fun to see all the learning going on.

 Jen, working with her son at the table.

Rachel was reading civics.

 Daniel and Kyle are loving the electronic snap circuit kit.

Kyle doing his math.  (if anyone knows a sure fire way to get a 9 year old boy to not make goofy faces when getting his photo taken, I'd love to hear it!)

Sarah has done her piano practice, Brooke (a guest) is playing guitar, Rachel is off to her cello lesson.  Quinn's violin lesson was cancelled for today, but the girls are going to work on a song together for a special evening service at our church in December.

We will be watching a science video together later and also watching this neat video about how playing a musical instrument impacts your brain. 

Lunch is cooking, Tim dropped Rachel for her lesson and is running a few errands.  Later we'll eat a meal together, he'll head off to work.  The kids will play, Jen and I will knit and do some stitchery.  This evening we'll watch a movie with the kids and then it'll be bedtime.

There are challenges for the kids, as they are distracted by their friends being here, but they are working through the distractions.  

They key for us all is flexibility and a cheerful attitude.  We're having a blast!


podso said...

We have some special memories from times we shared homeschool days with house guests.

Rebecca said...

What wonderful memories you're making! (And flexibility and a cheerful attitude work well in NUMEROUS situations!)

Vee said...

It sounds like fun!

Kyle is hilarious!

Tea and Friendship

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