Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 10, 2014

New Tea Things

 New tea things make me happy.  When we went looking at fall foliage the day after my birthday, I found these pretties.

 I really like the poppies and the color!

The shape of the sugar bowl is so pretty, too.  I was sad that there was no creamer left, but decided to get the sugar bowl anyway because of the beautiful shape.

I'll be putting these lovelies to good use on the first of December when our church has our ladies tea.  I am so looking forward to it.

Joining the fun at the following Tea Gatherings!
Tea Time Tuesday
Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Friends Sharing Tea


Vee said...

That is a unique and pretty shape on the sugar bowl, presumably the creamer matches. You'll find one some day when you least expect to! Oh the tes is coming up...I always love to see how you decorate each year. Your new tea things will be perfect!

A Whole Lotta Magic said...

So pretty! I have a little teapot collection but no red in it yet!

Cheryl said...

Soooo pretty!! It is easy to see why they called your name!

Theresa said...

Oh goodness, that is a beautiful design! Enjoy this gorgeous Fall day! HUGS!

sherry said...

now this ... this ... is beautiful. iceland poppies (?) make such a vibrant difference in one's life (er..tea time). :)

Rebecca said...

So vibrant! They will be perfect for a December Tea.

Heather said...

I love new tea things too! They are very pretty!

Visits With Mary said...

Beautiful! How nice to have tea from something that pretty.

podso said...

I've always loved this pattern and even given it as a gift. Very pretty!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I just finished my tea post for the weekly gatherings and used my red poppy teacup. It's similar in shape to yours but a different pattern. The sugar dish is nice too, I hope you find a creamer to match, maybe even a teapot? One can always hope. :-)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Very pretty!

I think it is Susan Branch who collects only creamers to use for flowers.

Hmmm... could this be the start of a sugar bowl collection. ;)

Antiques And Teacups said...

Very pretty! Love the bright poppies. Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

Lorrie said...

A beautiful pattern of china. And most apropos for the season as tomorrow is Remembrance Day here in Canada, when we honour those who have given their lives for freedom. The wearing of a lapel poppy is seen everywhere.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Deanna,
I love your poppy teacup and sugar bowl. I have a sugar bowl in that exact shape only in a toile pattern. With Remembrance Day and Veterans Day tomorrow your poppies are perfect. Thanks for sharing with us and joining me for tea.


Zaa said...

Oh ..SO pretty... This is only the second time that I've seen a poppy design on china and it's absolutely beautiful... and a perfect tribute to ' Remembrance Day"....Thanks for sharing your lovely set...hugs

Gentle Joy said...

I really like the oval shape of the sugar bowl...the view from the top looks so elegant. :)

Bernideen said...

Oh yes - a pattern I recognize as I sell it in my shop. This will be perfect for Christmas too! I am so glad you shared at Friends Sharing Tea!

Snap said...

What great finds your new tea "things" are! I love the poppies and they are perfect for Remembrance Day, too! Happy Tea Day!

Tea in the Library said...

Very pretty - and timely for Veteran's Remembrance Day. So glad you got the sugar - it does have a fantastic shape.

Beth in NEPA said...

What a lovely and thoughtful set.

Tea and Friendship

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