Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Few Wedding Photos!

Yesterday was the day!

Afternoon photos were planned, so we started with hair and make up at our house at 10:00am.  1 bride, 8 bridesmaids, 1 flower girl, and 2 Mama's were getting ready here!  Also my friend Amy came and spent the day with me.  She really was a help to me in setting up the facility and then later during the reception.    She and I actually had to chance to go get a late lunch, early dinner and spend a quiet hour and a half before we needed to be back at the wedding venue.  It was a gift!

 Our pastor's wife did Emma's hair and make up!  She also helped with 2 other girls hair.
 Our friend Julie (who cuts our hair regularly) came and did my hair, Lindsay's, Rachel's, and Sarah's. This is Rachel's hair.
 Here is Sarah.  She was a beautiful woman yesterday.

My friend Susan does amazing arrangements with flowers.  She, Emma and I had all gone to choose flowers last month.  This is what she did with what we chose. Susan sent me these photos from her phone as she was doing the assembling of bouquets and arrangements.

 A bridesmaids bouquet

  The bridal bouquet

 A wonderful arrangement that was used along with another like it and a candle, at the alter.

 This is what we did for centerpieces.

Here comes the bride!

 Kamryn was a cute flower girl!
Sarah, Rachel, Joseph, Jennica (a dear friend to Emma, and we love her too!), Nate, Kamryn, and Lindsay.
 Emma and Vinnie, you can barely see the other groomsman Ethan and JP, then his sisters Kitty, Krissy, and Simone, Kyle is the ringbearer tucked in there and then Em and Vinnie's good friend Deb (she's a dear girl).  They are blessed with their siblings and good friends to support them.

All these girls are so very sweet, and fun.  We had a really good time with the rehearsal and the wedding.  

I was struck by how many people commented to me last night that they were so excited to be there and be a part of their wedding.
 Our pastor, Mike Galus, did the service, and they asked Tim to speak as well.  He spoke about how she was prepared and how he appreciated Vinnie's care and treatment of Emma, and he prayed scripture over them.  Then he made us all cry when he finished by saying with tears in his eyes, and a choked up voice, "I loved her first, now you love her better.

 They had quite a kiss! 

 Cutting their cake!

I can't wait to see the professional photos!  They went to one of the bridesmaids' family's farm during the afternoon for photos, while we set up the facility, so I have no idea what they are like! Some of these photos were taken by me during the service, some by my niece, and the flower ones were by Susan, my gifted friend.

We are so blessed by the families that our girls have married into.  Thankful for unity in the Lord, and genuine liking of each other!

More to come, but for now I'm back on my break!



Sherry said...

my heart swells for the happiness in these pictures... :)

Lorrie said...

Such a happy, happy time. Lovely, candid photos full of joy.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love her dress! Simple but very elegant.

Vee said...

So lovely! Thank you for indulging us with these beautiful photos. Best wishes to the newlyweds! May they be blessed in every way.

Debby Ray said...

What a beautiful bride...her dress is so lovely! Happy times :)

Rebecca said...

How beautiful - and how completely composed and organized you are! If anyone "deserved" a break, you do!

podso said...

It looks like all your organization and hard work paid off -- a beautiful wedding. The flowers are lovely and I do love her sweet dress.

Cheryl said...

So beautiful!! Emma was a stunningly beautiful bride! Her dress was beautiful! The wedding was beautiful! Everyone's joyful faces were beautiful! The way Vinnie looks at Emma is beautiful! May their marriage be even more beautiful than the day it began!

Theresa said...

GORGEOUS! I am SO happy that it was perfect! Have a blessed New Year's Eve and DAY! HUGS!

Estelle's said...

Why do weddings always make me teary...everything and everyone is SO beautiful....outstanding job Deanna! What a beautiful bride she is! I look forward to seeing more...blessings and hugs for a New Year!

Melissa G said...

Beautiful. So beautiful.

Farrah said...

Aww, I love this! Her dress is beautiful. I hope she is happy.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...