Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 14, 2015

Homeschool: Real Life

Today we had a real life lesson as part of our school day.  Not a book lesson, or something that is just theory.

What did we do?  We went to our credit union and set up accounts for Kyle and Sarah.  They have been helping Tim at times, and are being compensated, so it was time to get them accounts.

The people at our credit union are very kind and helpful.  The kids had to sign their own applications, they learned how to read their deposit slips, and other important things.

We all went, Rachel had to deal with her paycheck and then we went to Chick-fil-A to get something to drink, and to wait until Tim needed to leave for an inspection, and Rachel to start work.

It was fun, a real life lesson, and a nice morning break.

Thought you might like to see my view at the Natural Foods Store on Friday.  The grey buggies are local Amish, but the black one had me puzzled.  I believe they were what we would call "horse and buggy" Mennonites.  I would have been quite a buggy ride, so usually if they come to this area they would hire a driver to bring them.


Vee said...

Not too many places where one can see buggies in the parking lot. There is a vintage sleigh for sale just down the road. I told John that if he could scrape up the money, I'd like it. Congrats to the kids for their new bank accounts and all the jobs!

podso said...

Time to do what you did today is a bonus of homeschooling--and together as a family!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

We lived close to Middlebury, Indiana when I was expecting Christopher. It was always so much fun to see the various parking lots with a section for horses.

Theresa said...

That is a great thing for them to learn! Love those buggies:) I would like to go for a ride! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Real life learning is how we're rolling from now until January!

Hooray for Kyle and Sarah getting those bank accounts set up! Sometimes it's those practical and "real" things that are missed in the business of education.

Sue said...

How awesome is this!!! What a great way to teach financial matters! I applaud you and your husband, so many young adults these days know absolutely nothing about finances!
I would love to have a horse in buggy ride! Thanks for sharing.

Rebecca said...

Might be some of "our" Amish visiting "your" Amish :)
The ones here are black. Not sure I've ever seen a grey one.
Our local bank is just down the street from us. It is not uncommon to see 2-3 horses and buggies tied up.
Sound like a fine outing you enjoyed today with some practical education happening...

Information Friday!

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