Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 3, 2017

Road Trips, Bedroom Painting, Baby Holding

Friday we had rain all day long, and part of the day it rained hard. The visibility wasn't that great, and it was challenging.  Not like getting a lot of snow, however, so I am not complaining.  Not too much anyway.

When I sent that photo to Tim and Rachel this is what they sent back to me.

They were on a road trip to SC to a prayer conference being held at the school Emma and Vinnie attend.  We were all going to go then realized that is was starting the same evening as the kids' co-op concert.  So we split up for the weekend.

Sarah and I made plans to paint her bedroom on Saturday.  We already had the paint from the bathroom refresh, and so this was a free project!

 The deal was that she would go up and down the ladder cutting in and I would roll.  She was uncertain about the cutting in, so we asked Nate if he could come do the cutting in.  What a nice big brother!  He came with the family and he and Kay helped Sarah, while I held Klaire, and Kyle and Kamryn played.

Now that may seem like an easy task for me, but Klaire is decidedly a Momma's girl, and was not happy to have me holding her!

It turned into a win though because she finally gave in and went to sleep...

 And then when she woke, she snuggled with me and smiled at me and I was her new best friend!  Win!  

Rachel did some baby holding this weekend too!

 In the morning before Sunday School started Kyle, Kamryn and I decided to take a selfie to send to Tim to say 'good morning!'

We laughed when our friend Kelly photo bombed us!

We brought our lunches to church, and then later friends came over and we visited and then watched a movie.

Our road trippers are almost home!

How was your weekend?


Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Oh, what a happy post. : - )

We;ve had so many rainy and gloomy days too - today in the second half it was actually sunny and warmer - but tomoroww more shenanigans and rain. I guess it's spring and it does rain, but too many grey days in a row and folks (myself included) get grumpy.

That sweet wee babe is preciousness. How did you EVER let her go? : - )

Have a wonderful week.

Vee said...

You folks do a lot of photo bombing! So Sarah has a new canvas. She will have fun getting her room back to her liking. Ahhh...good for you holding Klaire until she knew that you were a lovely person. Ha! So cute.

Sylvia said...

Look at all those 'happy' faces. Sounds like your weekend was a good one!

Rebecca said...

Enjoyed reading the adventures at Creek Cottage and Beyond this past weekend! We enjoyed ours as well. Walks when the sunshine peeked out...wonderful services at church...Saturday outing downtown with a stop-in at the historic Coney Island and a visit to the ReHab store were some of our highlights.

Cheryl said...

A fresh coat of paint is always inspiring! Does Sarah like the color? Does she have plans for any other changes?

You worked your grandmother magic with Klaire! And you got that painting done . . . kind of Tom Sawyer style. :D

Rhonda said...

What a sweet baby - so glad she decided you were fun to snuggle with. My little grandson doesn't like his grandmas right now! We're working on him though!

I love your necklace in that last photo - so pretty!

Linda said...

You sure packed a lot into your weekend! Louis bed seeing your sweet family! Going back to play the videos on my laptop! Wonder why videos don't play on iPads??

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