Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 24, 2017

So Many Last Minute Things To Do

We really are prepared, mostly.

We leave tomorrow for California (Rachel, Sarah, and I) and today I have a few errands to run.

I need to go to the store that carries Lily's Chocolate Bars.  I NEED some for my trip.  I don't always buy them here at home, I can make treats, etc, but when your traveling and you need a little something, its nice to know you have something on hand that you know you like.  Especially on the plane.

I forgot to buy coffee beans the other day at Aldi - Gasp!  My poor man cannot be left home without his coffee!

I'm headed to the bank, also, and I need to go to a local tire place and have one of my van tires replaced.  Ugh.  Kay is taking us to the airport and we don't want to risk a flat for her and the girls.

So not a frantic day, just some stuff, and packing.

I don't know if I'll get the chance to post while I'm in California, but I will be posting on Instagram and FB so go follow me there and you can keep up with our trip!


  1. Yep....always that last minute "stuff" - expected AND unexpected. I can sense your excitement building :) and look forward to updates along the way. ♥

  2. I am so excited for you!! You're sure to have a wonderful time of family fun and fellowship . . . and also friend fun and fellowship! Would you do me a favor and give your hostess a hug from me?

  3. Have a safe and enjoyable trip,Deanna! I'll see you on Facebook!

  4. Have a wonderful trip! You are right; there are always so many last minute things to do. Hope you are able to relax now.

  5. Enjoy your trip, praying for safe travels!

  6. Safe travels dear friend! BIG HUGS!

  7. Saw your pictures on Facebook, what a lovely place to stay. Have a great visit.


Welcome to Creekside Cottage - a place of Hospitality, Friendship and Encouragement!

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