Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 16, 2018

Friday Five

It's Friday, the sun is shining (what?!), and everything looks beautiful after our snow yesterday.

1. and 2. - I bought the grands little balsa wood houses to paint this week.  They stay with me on Wednesdays and I wanted a little activity for them. Kamryn did a nice job on hers, and Klaire mostly painted her nails and put the paint on her lips!  

3. I had Klaire resting with me before her nap, and she held my hand for the longest time.  I'm glad I was able to get a photo of it.

4. The puzzle is coming along quite nicely!

5. Its a beautiful morning!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  I'll be thawing my turkey this week, and preparing for a trip the following week.  I feel as if the holidays always seem so far away and now they are almost here and I can't believe it!  Do any of you feel as if this year has flown by?  I'm very excited though!


Cheryl said...

Yes, I do feel like this year has flown! But the holidays always sneak up on me while I am busy soaking up autumn. ;)

Looks like a fun project for the girls! House painting, nail painting . . . all of it! LOVE the pic of Klaire holding your hand! said...

What a blustery day yesterday was! So nice to see the sun today.
Have you seen those sticker by the number books at Barnes & Noble? The ones I saw were for older children, because the stickers were so tiny, but I think they may have some younger ages books like that. We got one last year for our grandson. A nice way to make art, but not as messy as painting sometimes!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh yes, this year feels as though it's flown, but on the other hand it seems decades since my January post on the new year beginning.

Your outside world looks so sparkly and that puzzle is coming along nicely, as you say.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend...
Brenda xox

Mrs.T said...

Yes, it feels as if the entire year has flown by, but October was the worst in that regard. It just went by in a blur. November has not been any better. Realizing that the month is more than half over and Thanksgiving is next week is absolutely crazy. I had better get on the ball with my Christmas crafting.

Oh, and I loved the photo of Klaire's chubby little hand in yours. So much trust and love!

The painting project looked fun too.

Elizabethd said...

What sweet little houses, I'm sure they enjoyed painting them.
Yes, this year has flown by and it seems amazing to think we are coming up to Christmas already.

Vee said...

Sweet hand-holding capture... Yesterday, you were doing the snowy day pursuits; today, I am. Love the paint projects. You give the grandgirls a lot of new and fun experiences. Yes, the year has flown by. A month no sooner shows up before it’s nothing but a memory.

Estelle's said...

Wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving Deanna....what a precious, precious photo of tiny hands

Kim said...

The holidays certainly did creep up quickly didn't they? Looks like you're off to a great season with those crafty kids! Enjoy!!

Rebecca said...

❤️ all 5! A blessed Thanksgiving holiday to you and yours!

Theresa said...

The snow is so pretty. I love that little hand in yours, sweetest picture:) Those little ones are concentrating on making their little houses pretty, love watching them. Have a beautiful day dear friend, I gotta get busy too. HUGS!

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