Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 12, 2018

Preparing For The Holidays - Polishing Silver

I have a  silver plate set, and some random silver plate pieces that have either been gifts or I have purchased. (You can read about my buying of heirlooms here.)   This summer we were very busy and I didn't use any silver in my decor.  It all sat on a shelf waiting for some attention.  I finally got to it on Saturday.

 This piece in the forefront is what the silver looked like before I started to polish it.  I like polishing silver; I find it very satisfying to see it get its luster back.  I also redeemed the time my hands were busy by listening to a book on Audible.  (I was finishing Out Of The Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis from his Ransom Trilogy.)

When I was done polishing I placed the tea pot on a faux boxwood candle ring and placed the set with a candle on our coffee table.

The spoon is my baby spoon.

So my first holiday decor is out and already we are enjoying the ambiance it gives.

I think when you use heirlooms, and greens and candles, one holiday easily transitions to the next.

Many of my regular readers and commentors are from countries other than the US but I'm interested in whether any of you have begun Christmas decorating yet?


Sylvia said...

I still have to clean my set, yours is pretty.

Elizabethd said...

No decorating here yet, Deanna. It probably won't happen till well into December, though I may make a door wreath earlier. Of course every shop is decorated up to the hilt and by Christmas will be looking tired.

Kim said...

Just lovely. I believe I recall drooling over your set last year as well! ;)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I was just thinking last week that I must shine my silver soon. It looks even worse than your "before" silver! It will be the first thing I put out and before Thanksgiving. We are not doing Thanksgiving here this year so I don't mind decorating early (I'll send an email about our trip to see Oliver later!).

Rebecca said...

Charmed by your silver! And yes, a small, simple tree lights a kitchen corner bringing cheer in the early mornings and dark evenings.

Vee said...

It looks beautiful! Now I must find out about this Audible thing...

Lorrie said...

Your silver is so pretty, especially with the candle glow reflections. No decorating here until December and the tree not until mid-December so that it lasts until New Years. (We like a real tree.) However, since the weather was nice this weekend, my husband put up the outdoor lights. We won't light them until the 30th of this month when we're hosting a party. I'll get a wreath on the door before then, too.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I feel quite Carson-like when I polish the silverware. Your vignette with the polished tea set, a bit of greenery with the glowing candle is so cozy. It surely adds cheer to any dark corner. No Christmas decorating here yet, but I am beginning to dream about things already.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Looks beautiful.

Dorsey Durham said...

great article about holiday preparation

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