Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Cozy Before The Storm

Our first 'winter' storm of the season is on its way. In a matter of hours, we should get our first snow, later changing to freezing rain, and then just rain.

With the grey skies and cold temperatures, I thought I'd show you how cozy it is here in my house.

A knitting project to work on this afternoon

Plenty of blankets and throws to keep us warm

A favorite puzzle that we haven't put together since the first year we got it.  I won this from a giveaway Vee was holding on her blog.

My breakfast...
If the storm is as they say its going to be, our last day of co-op will be canceled.  Sarah will need to go into work at 5:00, but I suppose they might close early and she wouldn't need to go to work.  We'll see.

In the meantime, I am headed to the store in a few minutes - not for bread, milk or cheese but for ice!  Ha ha.  We're out and no matter the weather we love ice in our drinks!

  It is very unusual for us to have snow before Thanksgiving, but this has been an unusual year.  Are you getting snow today or have you had snow already?


Sandi said...

Stay cozy!

We have cold rain here in the Southeast. Snow usually comes our way in February and stays for a millisecond.

Ginny said...

We had snow overnight Tuesday/Wednesday and are expecting 3" - 6" starting around 4 PM today. It's possible we will get some sleet and freezing rain, too. I think it's going to be a l-o-n-g winter! I decided to go ahead and put away the fall decorations and have gotten out my snowman collection; once that's done, I'll start on Christmas decorations. I don't normally decorate this early, but after it took until almost Christmas to put the ornaments on the tree, I decided to try starting early this year. It makes it feel cozy and warm in the house, even if it's freezing outside!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

We've had snow for several weeks now. But today it was melting and it felt quite autumn-y again. It seems weather patterns all over the place are out of the ordinary. Your family looks all ready and cozy for a dark winter's night. The puzzle will be fun to work on as the snow blows.

Wishing you a safe and pleasant evening...
Brenda xox

Vee said...

Oh yes! I remember that puzzle. Do you follow Cathie on Instagram? She’s been featuring more of her beautiful artwork with the sweet stories of gentler times. This storm is coming my way, too. I could feel it in my bones today.

Lorrie said...

We have had rain, but no snow, and that's not unusual at all. I always hope for a few snowy days in winter, but we don't always have them. You've got the right idea for getting cozy. I hope the snow is falling gently now and you are happily knitting or doing your puzzle.

Cheryl said...

It certainly has been an unusual year here on the East Coast! The longest "summer" on record (at least the temperatures felt like summer) and now snow before Thanksgiving? Your house sure does look cozy though! I think you'll weather the storm just fine!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...