Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Information Friday


I thought you might like to see how the pedestrian door area into our front garden is looking. We are very pleased.

I feel the need to state one more time that I do not watch Fox News. I read all my news online. Some from CNN, some from Fox, some from other sources. I weigh what I share here. I know some of you who read here don't appreciate what I share. That doesn't mean I'm wrong. 

I've also said repeatedly that somethings I share because I have found them interesting, not necessarily because I think they are 100% correct. I always urge you all to research for yourselves. 

I continue to post here because many of my regular readers appreciate what I am sharing. 

This was a comment I got this week. It's mildly reproving me for only having Fox News as a resource. 

If your only source of news is Fox News you are poorly informed. A wise person gets their news from sources that both support their own biases and don’t support them…without that imput you have no real way of weighing the truth or lack of on which to form an accurate opinion.

Mary in Colorado

I have received many, many ugly and threatening comments that I don't share. 

Now, here is the information I found interesting this week.

Appeals Court Rules FDA ‘Exceeded Its Authority’ by Advising Public Against Use of Ivermectin to Treat COVID

You can read about this at Children' {here}

US quietly shuts down $125million USAID project to find novel viruses in Asia and Africa due to fears it could ignite a pandemic. 

Read {here}

Another Billion to Ukraine announced this week!

I found this interesting from CNN.

h/t - Bioclandestine on X

Thankful that we paid our mortgage off last year!

I found this interesting, too. From a Senator from Victoria in Australia.

Have you been keeping up with the House investigations into the Bidens? These are the fake names JB used to share information with Hunter and others, somtimes regarding government business and sometimes regarding Hunter's business. 

I know it's a lot to keep up with. Sigh. It's discouraging to see where our leaders have taken us as a nation in just 2 years!

I found this encouragement on Instagram today and wanted to share it with you all!

Our friends will be hitting the road this next week, so we are looking forward to more good time spent together this weekend! I hope your weekend is wonderful as well!


Linda said...

Thank you, Deanna, for all you do and the time you spend putting together these Friday posts. It's your blog so if others don't like what you have to say - they do not have to visit here! I admire you so much! Stay true and stand strong.

Vickie said...

Love seeing the changes coming along on your home. It's an exciting time! Deuteronomy 31:8 has been my life verse since I was a teenager and blessed me many, many times.

Debby said...

I appreciate the information you share - obviously Mary from Colorado doesn't and just wants to silent you.

I like the look of your entry door to the garden. It's all going to be so nice for you when its done. I can't wait.

Donna said...

I'm so sorry that people attack you! Idiots themselves if they can't SEE what's happening to our country! I don't suffer fools lightly...
Keep up the great work you do for us!

Linda said...

I take no issue with your blog and what you say. You speaketh the truth and that what gets folks feathers all tattered, just saying. Smiles

Melissa G said...

WorldWatch ends each of their news episodes with this. "Whatever the news, the purpose of the Lord will stand." I love that reminder that our God is still in control.

Anonymous said...

long time reader, first time comment. I LOVE your friday info, keeps me from feeling I am alone in what I see going on. Please don't let trolls stop your good work. The truth will set us free are at least lest us know how to plan. Thanks, Mindy in KY


  This weekend was fun. I went to tea with co-op friends, at one of their houses. It was open to all moms. It was a wonderful time of fellow...