Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 10, 2023

Information Friday

 This post was found in my drafts! It was supposed to be published last Friday! Oh well! Two posts today!

It's a chilly Friday morning here in Central Pennsylvania. I don't mind the cold. This photo mostly consists of dried flowers from my birthday last month, and a few fall flowers as well. It's pretty and is on my dresser.

I have a bunch of interesting items for you today. Things are getting interesting, but do not fear!

I like that they are going to fund it (if it passes the Senate and isn't vetoed) by cutting IRS funding. This way we are not printing more money!

This is interesting. Should people who serve in our government or Congress or Senate or as President have dual citizenship? I'm thinking no. What do you think?

A democratic judge just ordered a new election in Connecticut after seeing Dems stuff the ballot boxes!

And in New Jersey...

Because the Deep State has lost the narrative, they are trying to ratchet up war. They will even go so far as to have some kind of attack on US soil. Remember what our response was on 9/11? We the people were all for war and that lasted 20 years and we didn't really win or settle anything. We've also learned that these wars are funded by the same people paying for both sides. This is how they keep control.

We must not be for war. They want to bring the US down, and get rid of our Constitution. 


Sam was also laundering money from Ukraine back to Democratic politicians. 

Have you seen this? How can a current President ask the National Archives to remove a former presidents' executive privilege? 

With the hold the media has had on the narrative and working hand in hand with the government, too many people believed what they heard because 'everyone was saying it' and they heard it over and over again.

Now we have other ways to get information and people are getting wise to what's been going on in the country.

Pray friends, and do not give into fear. They've used fear to control people for years. Let's not do that anymore!

As one of our Republican state senators says, "Walk as free people."

1 comment:

Mrs.T said...

I had wondered why you didn't post last Friday, but figured you might have just been too busy with all that is going on at your house. Guess I should have messaged you to ask!

Information Friday

  I hope you are all well, and ready to enjoy the weekend. For me the weekend is a welcomed change of pace. This week I've decided to do...