Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 6, 2023

Weekend - Addition Update


We are nearly at an end of the painting. Tim has two more doors! Praise God! This door is actually the pocket door that will be between the kitchen and my parents living room. This is their bedroom though. Isn't the light beautiful in this room, and the view? I love it!

This weekend was mostly painting trim pieces, and the crew is here today hanging trim! Ah!

Here is one of the bedroom windows with the trim.

This green is the little bedroom/tv watching room for my dad. This green is so pretty and not this dark in person.

One of the kitchen windows. To the left will be the stove. This room is not dark at all. Tim took these photos with his phone.

Because they will be opening the wall between the new kitchen and the old kitchen very soon, Kyle and I moved almost all the kitchen stuff into the new kitchen last evening. 

One (of the many) things I love about the kitchen is the way the countertops run into the window sills! So great!

We are on a tight deadline now and trusting God to get it all done so we can move my parents in the weekend before Thanksgiving. 

All the flooring is here and ready to install.
Trim going up today.
Tim and my dad are out getting the water heater, toilet, and closet shelves.
Mom's couch will be delivered on the 18th.

That is really all that needs to be done. There may be some minor items to finish out after Thanksgiving, or at least after they are in their space. It's exciting to see it all come together.

That is about all from our weekend. I hope yours was full of good things, too!

5 comments: said...

What a lovely green color! How nice this will all be when it's finished.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

It all looks so nice and is coming together fast.

Vickie said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures of your house-in-progress. It's so fun to see, and it's gorgeous. Can't wait to see the finished product. You are a blessing to so many folks.

Cheryl said...

I hang on your every word about this addition! So exciting to see the progress! I am nervous along with you about the deadline! (You would think it was me who was moving in!)

Kim said...

I love green....and the window trim is fantastic. I think it adds so much to a room and so many people just add the basics. Love your attention to detail!

Information Friday

  I hope you are all well, and ready to enjoy the weekend. For me the weekend is a welcomed change of pace. This week I've decided to do...