Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

This And That

 Hello Friends!

My post from yesterday never happened due to a power outage! We had one on Saturday, too, which is so unusual for our area. It hasn't even been stormy in our area. In fact, we could use some rain. After our power came back on at dinner time, the internet was out for awhile. 

It's been really hot, but the house was pretty cool all day, and we used our generator to run the basics and the ceiling fans, so we were comfortable.

Here is a lovely hydrangea I planted 2 years ago in my front cottage garden. Its an ever bearing kind so I am hopeful to get lovely blooms all summer long.

The Strawberry moon on Friday, was beautiful. I sat out on our deck and enjoyed the warm night air, the fireflies, and the beautiful moon.

It's the best I could do with my phone. So many times when we are having meteor showers or something, we have cloudy skies. I was very happy to have it so clear to enjoy it. I love getting up in the night and seeing the moon shining in our upper bathroom window, too.

The solstice was last week, and we've had the longest day of the year. Now our days will get shorter and shorter. I love the seasons, don't you?

Here are some of my Annabelle hydrangea in the cottage garden. These get full sun and the flower heads are enormous on some of them! I have an Annabelle along the creek, under a Mulberry tree, and those flowers don't get nearly as big.

This morning I took the photo below from the office window. You can see the screen on the window, but this is the same Annabelle as above, just from a different view!

Today, I'll be working on the educational objectives for Kamryn and Klaire for this coming school year. I'm going to try some different materials for math, at least with Kamryn. I've been home educating for 30 years now. Incredible.

My parents have a big anniversary coming up next month. They'll be married 65 years! They were 17 and 20 when they got married. They both are doing well, overall. Dad will have a valve replacement in August. It'll be non invasive they'll go up through the femoral artery. Amazing.

I'm looking at this photo of the front of our home and imagining it with new windows and siding. Likely late summer, early autumn. I have been waiting for this for years. I'm holding it lightly, as other financial priorities may come up, and we like to be debt free when we do things.

This will get our 1986 ranch home all updated, and ready for another 40 years of life! I likely won't live here then, I'd be 100! But you just never know!

Every life has it's challenges. No one gets through life unscathed in someway. However, God is ever present, a real help and guide. I know this to be true.

1 comment:

Estelle's said...

What a lovely post....full of summer favorites...the moon, the garden....really enjoyed this one Deanna!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...