Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 29, 2024


My ficus was a tiny tree when I bought it! It loves to live on the deck, but it can't stay out all winter. I put it in the garage in front of a south facing window last year and it did well.

 Saturday ended up being different than I thought it would be. Tim had two jobs (he normally doesn't work on Saturdays), so I had a slow start to my day and went out to sit in the lovely sunny weather on the deck. 

Pretty soon my mom came out, then my dad and mom said my niece was coming for a visit. She arrived, then my daughter Lindsay showed up.

Rachel called and said Sarah had told her that my niece Kaitlin was there so when Wes got home, they'd come over. Lindsay left right before they arrived, and Kaitlin told us she was going to Lindsay's for dinner. 

They all decided to swim - Wes, Rachel, Sarah, Kyle, and our niece Kaitlin all got in the pool.

Because I went up to a friends' house on Friday I didn't grocery shop, and not needing a lot I did a pick up order. When they were all done swimming, Rachel came in and I told her I was going to be headed out to pick up my order. She had something she needed to return, so she asked to come along. Of course! Then Sarah came in and Rachel said, "Sarah will come, too!" So then I invited my mom and as she said "it's a party!"

We ended up picking up Chinese for dinner and the kids stayed late. It was a fun day.

Sunday was more relaxed. I had something in the crockpot for lunch and it was ready when we got home. I sliced up peaches (Red Haven!) and Tim cut up watermelon. We'd kept the little girls so they could swim. I ran them home around dinnertime.

It was a good weekend.

I found an old post that I thought you might like to read. You can find it {here}.

Early evening light from the northwestern facing windows. Pillows everywhere, cords on the floor, and toys on the window sill. Very typical scene in our home.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Information Friday


Yesterday, my parents celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. Tim and I took them on a short road trip to Havre de Grace and we enjoyed the afternoon, driving around the town looking at both houses and boats, eating outdoors with a view of the Chesapeake Bay. We also took a short walk on the boardwalk.

This week has been full of Biden's stepping out of the presidental race, the Dems leaving democracy behind to coronate KH, and I've watched the media try to make her more appealing. 

It's not working. 

Read this article from Revolver News {here}. Interesting to see that BLM wants there to be Democratic process for picking a candidate.

From what I've read, KH's parents lived in student housing which is not considered permanent housing. They had student visas. This makes her an Anchor baby and ineligible to be president. Should never have been vp either.

Also remember most dem elites didn't want KH to run for President because she is not bright.
This is part of a real speech she gave. She sounds drunk.

This is not good news coming during the honeymoon phase of a new candidate.

Biden's not doing great and thinks he'll stay in until January 20th, 2025. I'm not so sure about that. 


This should not be allowed to happen in our nation, without repercussion.

Interesting Times. Keep praying. Put on the Whole Armor of God - Ephesians 6.

I'm headed to visit a friend later this morning, along with a few other gals. We are taking brunch along!

Monday, July 22, 2024



Well what a weekend! The whole week had been historic. Truly.

I have had the feeling that there was some behind the scenes haggling, by the money grabbing Jill and Hunter, as to how much would the Dem elites pay them to have Joe drop out?

I'm not sure Joe knows he dropped out. His staff and his campaign didn't know until they saw "his" X post. We know that Joe can't communicate well, so we know he didn't write his drop out letter. 

It's unprecedented that it was done on Social Media, not with a public press conference or video statement and that was an electronic signature. Anyone could have typed it.

Can you believe we are actually talking about these kinds of things in the United States?

Today, the Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle will be before congress to answer questions over the assassination attempt. The more information comes out, the more it seems like the lack of properly trained agents etc, mean that there was an attempt by some in our government to take out DJT. Wow.

In happier news, I found a love seat on FB Marketplace on Friday, and it's perfect for our bedroom. 

The colors are perfect for the tones in my home, and as you can see the same colors are in my bedding. The patterns work because they are different sizes! The pillows that came with the loveseat are fine color wise with the loveseat but I think the patterns are too much the same in size! So the pillows may be going somewhere else.

Another thing  you may notice is the white walls. Those will be changing but with several painting jobs to finish already, I will not be broaching that subject until the autumn, maybe for my birthday! lol

I also don't have any art hanging yet. I was waiting until paint, but if the right piece came along, I'd hang it up. I can't believe how patient I've become. I used to like everything done right away. Now piece by piece, bit by bit it'll get done!

A friend who hasn't visited since the construction was done was asking about my kitchen. They thought the old kitchen just got renovated and couldn't figure it out so I took a quick video yesterday, while we were getting ready for friends to join us for lunch.

A few verses that I think are encouraging.

1 Thessalonians 5:5-6, 8 -

For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. So then let us not sleep as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, having put on the breast-plate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation.

Let us keep awake and put on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet of salvation.

Romans 8:6 - Now the mind set of the flesh is death but the mind set of the Spirit is life and peace.

Walk closely to God, trust him with the details. Guard your hearts from fear. 

I'll see you on Friday!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Information Friday, On Saturday

 Well, I was all set to do a post yesterday, but I had trouble uploading my photos. I really thought I'd get it done in the evening, but we ended up going to pick up a plaid love seat for my bedroom. I'll show you on Monday.

I've also had to edit out much of what I saved early in the week, as the information about the assassination attempt changed quickly often hourly!

I'm going to have this post in three sections.

Assassination attempt, talk of Biden leaving the presidential race, and then the highlights of the RNC.

I am going to try my best to not make this super long, but each one of these subjects could be a big post on their own.

Assassination Attempt - I can't get my video to upload but I'm sure you've all seen it by now.

This photo is amazing. 

Photo posted from Dan Scavino - "Will always have your Back 45"

So this gal hiding behind the others is likely not SS nor an experienced security person, but she was assigned to the former Presidents detail on Saturday. Have you heard that most of Trump's regular SS detail was pulled to guard Jill Biden in Pittsburgh? Doesn't Jill have her own detail? She does, so that brings up more red flags.

MSNBC, too.

She got the job because she was a favorite of Jill Biden.

The left have spent years, including Biden himself, hammering Trump as a Nazi, a would be dictator who must be stopped!

Sadly many people believe them!

Biden - Will he or won't he drop out of the race?

RNC - 

This is the chart that was on the big screen at the rally!

I want to leave you with this from Donald Trump...

And this from Tucker Carlson's speech at the Convention.

May God Bless our nation, as we turn back to him! Keep praying!

Late October Weekend

  I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it.  I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them ...