Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

"To Celebrate A Simple Life"


I love this quote by Bilbo Baggins in The Fellowship of the Ring.  Of course, he's referring to Hobbits and their life in the shire.  The Hobbits had no real interest in life outside shire, generally, but enjoyed their simple lives, growing things in gardens, eating many times a day, brewing ale, and smoking pipe-weed.  A very simple life.

In the years since we moved to Creekside Cottage, we've simplified our lives.  We grew veggies, have chickens for eggs, made friends at the local produce stand, played in the creek, rode horses, did animal care, sewed skirts, pillow cases, curtains, painted walls, read books, knit, morning greeting of each family member, and hugs and kisses goodnight.  A boy tucking his dad into bed every night.

A simple life is not a slow life necessarily.  Some days, I'm very busy, but for me it is a choosing of lifestyle.  We've chosen to live a life that is not about keeping up with the neighbors, but one that centers on God, and is lived out with His priorities.  

Love your neighbor, do good to others, love one another, practice hospitality, be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in you.

Simple living in a complicated world.  It can be done.  I hope you don't think we're living some kind of Little House on the Prairie life. We don't.  We enjoy technology, and use it daily.  Laptops, cellphones, ipods, ipads, we enjoy them.  We've got music playing often, watch movies together, listen to Audible.  

 I read the news daily online, rather than watch it on tv for hours everyday.  We discuss current events at mealtimes, so that our kids are aware of what's happening in the world, and have the time to listen to the adults in their life discuss it and then, they get it share their thinking and views on what we're discussing.  I've learned a lot from my kids!

The simplicity comes when you control your life, and what you choose to bring in to your home. I see our married kids making many of the same choices.  Hospitality, simple living, home cooking - all in their own way.  That's key, I think.  No one person has been made to be exactly like another and our lives should reflect that.  God has made each one of us with the personality, gifts, and abilities to be who He has created us to be!  Isn't that amazing?  For us simple living is choosing to live authentic lives.  To be who we are, warts and all, in a world that is seeking to be like everyone else.


Cheryl said...

I like your definition of "simple living" and I like that quote! I think a simple life is the best life.

Elizabethd said...

Well said. Simple is best.

Pam said...

Wonderful quote! Wonderful post!

podso said...

I'm with you on this one!

podso said...

I'm with you on this one!

Ginny said...

Having a simple life is something I need to work on. I feel like I am surrounded by STUFF, which makes things seem more complicated. I read a blog post earlier today which suggested we replace the phrase "Busy life" with "full life". I like that, so I'm going to try to implement it. I'd welcome more posts from you about simplifying life.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Simple life is right! We were busy while homeschooling but it was still a simple life because of choices made. Now that illness has forced even more simplicity, I find it is not all that bad as it also forces one to choose what is wanted the most out of our days.

Rebecca said...

Bless your simple lives ♥
You said it and live it so well. said...

Speaking of "not keeping up" with your the new house in your neighborhood finished yet? HaHa!

Theresa said...

Great post! We enjoy our lives and try to make it simple too:) We eat at home most of the time and chat about our day! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Mrs.T said...

So good! Thanks for linking to it.

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