Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Knitted Baby Blanket

I need to block it and tuck all the ends in, but the blanket I've been knitting for Emma and Vinnie's baby is finished.  This sweet one is due in May, and I can't wait to hold him.

Here are the details - 

I used this pattern by Lion Brand Yarn, but used Studio Classics by Nicole yarn.

I used by size 8 bamboo circular needles, which is a size up from the pattern, I believe.  I used 3 and 1/4 skeins of yarn.

It was simple to knit, and I often did it while watching a movie or reading on my Ipad.  I also to pray for for the person I'm knitting for as I work on a project, so I also did that from time to time while working on this blanket.

Are you working on any projects?  I know you poor gals in New England are doing nothing but shoveling out from your three Nor'easters in two weeks!  Spring is on the way, it really is!


Kim said...

I hope spring really is on its way...we were shoveling again this morning! And I love that you pray while you knit...what a wonderful thought...

Vee said...

I love that blanket, both the pattern and the colors. What spring month is the baby due? I have so lost track of time.

Projects? Well, as you say, everyone in my corner is pretty tuckered, but I did drag myself up to the sewing room yesterday to cut off the frayed edges from my table napkins. Then I gave them all a machine re-hemming. (I’m sure that this is not quite what you had in mind.) Today I cleaned the downstairs...too much sand and salt on the floors and general mayhem. The boys tend to be like whirlwinds. 😏 And they’re coming again tomorrow (teacher’s workshop) so my next project is baking some cookies for the cookie can!

Linda said...

Loved reading your comment, Vee, and hearing about what’s going on with you!

Tanya @ Ever After Cottage said...

I love the colors in this!

We got well over 2 feet from the last storm. Husband says there isn't any room left to pile for plowed snow, so spring must be on it's way. :)

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