Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Spring: A Time For Cleaning and Planning

I decided to freshen up the blog look today.

No I don't have any hydrangea blooming yet.  It'll be months until that happens.  Still, I thought we'd all like something pretty to look at.

Our snow is melting quickly and the sun is shinng and I see some blue sky!  I'll take it!

Sarah made a snow lion yesterday.  It turned out really cute.

Co-op today. Only this week, then next, and classes are done.  They'll have a concert the following week.  Sarah will follow in the steps of her sisters and graduate a year early - next year.  We spent some time yesterday talking and planning for her last year of high school!  Amazing.  She plans to attend the same Bible School that Emma and Vinnie attend.  She likely will work a year after she graduates to save up some money for school.  She's excited for her future plans which are many!

That will leave Kyle as my only student as he enters high school.  That will be strange but fun, too.  He and I can have a lot of flexibility with just the two of us!  

Have a great day!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

After I have been sneezing and coughing too much, I realized the house needed a good cleaning. It has a layer of dust everywhere. I once read that spring cleaning became the thing to do because of the affects of a winter with wood fires burning in the home from either wood burning stoves or fireplaces. I will add our furnace to that. ;)

Elizabethd said...

That is a very good snow lion!

Marie said...

Love the colour of the new header! All those greens really feel like spring!

Vee said...

And I thought snow critters had gone the way if the dinosaur! Great job, Sara!

What? Sarah graduates next year? Kyle is entering high school? Did he skip jr. high?

Tempus fugit all over the place!

P.S. Forget email. It has finally released me. Patience, Vee!

Rebecca said...

Your new header photo is a refreshing one!
Sounds like Sarah has a fine year planned and a wonderful future as well. May God continue to direct and provide.
We've enjoyed a few rich days as my brother and sister-in-law have been here for a couple of days on their way home after wandering across the West visiting their children and grands.
We've also been busy visiting many from our church roll and fellowship group who are in the area hospitals or facing challenging circumstances at home So thankful that the Lord has arranged our lives to be available for this privilege.
Cold and breezy today. I am VERY eager for spring (aren't we all)!?! ♥

Linda said...

Love the new look! That Snow Lion is amazing!!! That took some real talent!!

Cheryl said...

Sarah's snow lion is fabulous!

Oh my goodness. One student. I know I'm a broken record . . . but it is amazing how quickly time passes. My one student has one year left and then I will retire after 28 years of homeschooling. I can't think of a thing that I would rather have done with those 28 years! said...

Lovely new bright header!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...