Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tea On Tuesday: New Tea Cups

As you know I love tea and I adore all the 'accoutrements' that belong to tea - tea pots, silver spoons, sugar bowls and creamers, pretty plates.  I'm always on the look out for 'new to me' tea things.

Yesterday I found a two red transferware teacups.  I have several blue ones, and a Friendly Village teacup, but though I love red, I've never found any that I wanted to purchase.

The first one is by Woods

I was drawn to the boarder of the saucer and inside the teacup, especially that sweet scalloped edge.

The cup shows a castle on a hill with a bridge in the foreground, 

but the saucer shows a sweet cottage and well, with a windmill in the background.

 The second cup is Thomas Muches & Sons

It has the same cottage and people on the cup as on the saucer

The boarder inside the cup is the same as on the saucer.

I like both of them very much.  I also am trying Stash tea 'Breakfast in Paris.'  I've enjoyed their 'Christmas in Paris' tea and this tea, 'Breakfast in Paris' is very nice, too.  Black tea, lavender, vanilla, begomot.

A nice way to start my day!

I'm sharing at Tuesday Cuppa Tea

and will link with Bernideen's party later this week!


Snap said...

Isn't it fun to find new tea cups? I think your red transferware tea cups are a wonderful find. Each is so different. Happy Tea Day!

Sherry said...

beautiful find(s)!
right now i'm enjoying Peet's Major Dickson's
**strong** liquid life in my 'double phoenix'
brown/cream cup/saucer.

Antiques And Teacups said...

I just love red transferware, and those are great examples! Isn't tea fun? I am on an Irish tea binge at the moment. I have had the Breakfast In Paris and it is quite nice. Have a lovely week and thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

Linda said...

Beautiful! I’m sipping coffee in a good sturdy mug while you sip tea from your elegant little cups! The best of both worlds!

Elizabethd said...

How pretty your cups are. I love the red transfer ware.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Oh, I love your red transferware teacups, Deanna! Red is my favourite although I do like green and blue transferware as well. I find all those patterns totally charming. Your tea sounds delicious! Wishing you a lovely week. Blessings...Sandi

Louca por porcelana said...

Wonderful teacups!I do love red transferware too!Hugs!

The Victorian Girl said...

Your new teacups are so pretty! I love red transferware too.

Estelle's said...

These tea cups are so lovely them..just a real treasure to own!

Margie said...

What a great find! I only have blue and white transferwares so I've always admired the red and white transferwares shared by bloggers.

Rebecca said...

Next to blue and white, I like these best :)

Cheryl said...

Sooooo pretty! I especially love the scalloped saucer!

(I will not start collecting red transferware. I will not start collecting red transferware. I will not start collecting red transferware.)

Trying to resist temptation. ;)

Buttercup said...

What beautiful cups. I'm not familiar with red transferware, but I'll be on the lookout in the future.

Kim said...

Absolutely beautiful. I am not a tea drinker, but I have a tea cup addiction.

Zaa said...

Red transfer ware is my favourite, but I agree ...It takes a while to actually find the pieces that you love... I’ve been holding onto two gorgeous "redware" plates for years and I’m still looking for a cup and saucer to catch my eye... Looks like you found them ( ha Ha)and .. the tea’ Breakfast in Paris "sounds absolutely delicious..I’m going to look for it... You’re right what a lovely way to start the morning... incidentally, Your Royal Albert teapot nestles quite comfortably amongst your teasets... I’ll be over for tea shortly ...HUGS

podso said...

Pretty teacups! They do enhance a cuppa!

Jean | said...

Deanna, I have your OCR teapot but NO red transferware. It's so pretty, but I limit myself to the blue and white I started years ago so that my genetic china addiction doesn't go completely out of control! :D

Bernideen said...

Dear Deanna:
Oh how wonderful. We do love transferware and what great pieces you found. Red is never wrong! I do think it looks pretty with your Old Country Roses teapot too. Thanks for sharing your treasures!

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