Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Game Night

My kids and Tim are big game players.  I'll play some games, and I'll play in the right circumstances, but I don't like super competitive games or strategy games that people get worked up over!

I do love Clue though, and when Lindsay and the girls got the game out last night, I was all in!  I'm pretty good at it, I won a round last night, but I like figuring stuff out (must be all the Nancy Drew books I read as a girl!) and this is one game from my childhood I'll still play.

 I like Rook, and some other card games, I like to play Domino games, too.

I guess I mainly like games that are not cutthroat, and that allow you to socialize while playing.

What kind of games do you like to play?


Sandi said...

I played this as a child, but it is kind of funny-odd to look back and remember my childhood self exclaiming triumphantly, "Mr. Green with a rope in the laboratory!"

Uh...what were my parents thinking?? ;-)

Cheryl said...

I like the socializing games too! Apples to Apples is one of our favorites because it is not highly competitive, almost all ages can play, and it allows for lots of conversation and getting to know other people. When we have game nights, we almost always begin with Apples to Apples.

I also love word games like Scrabble (the board game and also online) and Catch Phrase and Boggle.

podso said...

I saw your Clue on IG and mentioned to G that I wanted to play it--its been years and years. He said he wasn't fond of the game. I guess I mainly played it in my childhood and like you, was probably living out all the many Nancy Drew books I read. We'll see if we get it played or not. We've been into domino games lately.

Kim said...

We are big game players, too. I like the classics!

Michele said...

We play cards quite often. Cribbage is a favorite when it's only hubby and me, but we also play Canasta, Hearts, and Pinochle (if we can find someone to play). And Uno. We like Bananagrams, Scrabble, and Dominoes. And Trouble. It appears we just like games...

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Hi Deanna = oh I love to play games with family, too. As far back as my memory serves me I have been the one to suggest game playing. It was a huge part of my childhood.

Funny but it is so hard to get folks to play games these days - everyone gets so lazy, haha.

My all-time favorite is also Apples to Apples - love it and doesn't hurt your brain and easy to be distracted by something else (checking on dinner, etc.) and coming back to game and not being too far out of the loop to get back in it.)

One that my teen nieces and nephews seem to want to say yes to is something they turned us oldies onto - it's an iphone game endorsed by Ellen Degeneres (so I am told) called HEAD'S UP - it's competitive and fast but it's done in teams and always creates a ton of laughter. I am way too slow on the guesses to win, but THEY love it and it keeps them thinking and laughing and moving.

My favorite one on one card game is a new one I got in a stocking a few years ago called SPOT IT - it's great for mind sharpening. It looks silly and simple but it's challenging when playing with my super fast niece! She wins 95% of the time. : - ) But it is a blast - in fact I sent it with the her other day when we drove her to the airport to meet her bff and bff's family in Florida for spring break. Thought they'd like it if it rains or something.

Another oldie but goody for me is the game SORRY. I have played it so many times it has to be hundreds of times since I was a child.

Thanks - this was a fun post - I have never played Clue, maybe I need to find one secondhand one of these days and learn it.....'cuz I haven't a CLUE how to play it. Bwhuahahaha, snort.

Have a blessed week. Hugs.

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