Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Beauty After The Storm

The sun is shining, the birds are singing....Happy Spring! (grin)

 A view not often seen on the blog - from my bedroom window and the end of the house.  The wood pile there feeds our campfires and bonfires, that space is buried under snow.

The next two photos are from my bedroom windows that face the road.

The table on the deck gives the best indication of snow accumulation.  It was compacted by sleet overnight between Tuesday and Wednesday.  It snowed hard all day yesterday, becoming light snow as it got dark, but even then kept on coming.

I did some rearranging on my cabinet by the kitchen door yesterday.  I'll show you tomorrow.  I like how it looks.  Its not dramatic just freshened up!

Have a great day!

6 comments: said...

Lovely sounds of the birds and the sunshine! It was a crunchy kind of snow here also!

Vee said...

The birds sure sound happy to have that over with! Sledding party today?

As you probably know, this system moved off south of us. I am not in the lesst upset by that. We have plenty of snow!

Linda said...

Unbelievable!!!! You have to admit - it IS pretty but GOOD GRIEF!!!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Well, this last storm escaped us but now we are under a Winter Storm Watch for Saturday. I'm thinking by July 4th, it may be warm. ;)

podso said...

Photo #3 is especially appealing. There's something about curves in roads. Beautiful snow--I wonder if you'll have another storm. We even had a few minutes of snow here yesterday but oh is it cold and windy!

Cheryl said...

CrAzY spring!! Have I told you that I love your green plaid blog background? That says "spring" even if the weather doesn't!

Home Keeping

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