Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 23, 2018

Friday Five: Spring Rearrangement

I'm going to show you some of the rearranging I've done to freshen things up in the living room for spring!

1. Where to put the plants

 The top of my mug holder looked like the perfect place for this fern, so I popped it in there and it fits just right!  

2.  Rearranging Shelves

I did some rearranging and freshening of these shelves.They are just inside the kitchen door (that is where all that light on the left side is coming from) and hard to photograph.  I like things to be pretty and functional, So I use my pretty dishes and bowls as decor!

 3. New Mirror

I bought this pretty mirror at Christmas Tree Shops for $16.99.  I put this table back by the front door, and wanted a mirror to go over it.  I was also going to do a lamp here but, it messed up the lighting triangle for the living room.  (two lights were close together and the other side of the room was dark)  I wanted some height here so I put a childhood chair on the table and popped my pretty ivy on it!  I really like this space.
(bonus points if you know what the other item on the tabletop is)

4.   A New Chair

Our friend Denny moved home last weekend.  Since he had bought that love seat, he had no room in his apartment for this faux leather chair.  Its a bit not my style, but its a mans chair and does fit with my English Country style. We may pass it on to some one else, but for now it works.

5. Polished Silver

I polished this silver plated set and have it on the dining table.  The dining table is a big farmhouse table that Tim built, and its used for schoolwork, business paperwork, game get the idea.  I needed something that was easily picked up and moved.  For now this is it!

I hope you enjoyed my FIVE today.  I can't believe its Friday again already.  Co-op Spring Concert tonight! What are you up to this weekend?


Elizabethd said...

The tiny chair looks perfect with the ivy. No idea what the other thing is!

Linda said...

I always enjoy seeing your cozy home!

podso said...

It lifts our spirits to do some tweaking in the house, doesn't it? And maybe your snow is finished for this year and spring will come back, making all things good!

Marie said...

Isn't it fun to freshen things up for spring? Your plants are absolutely lovely and I think the "mystery item" is a diffuser. Blessings to you.

Samuel & Lois said...

Love the idea of the plant on the little chair....cute! And, the mystery item is a......PENCIL SHARPENER! I know, because we have an identical one. :-)
My family in Berks County got about 13" of snow. Is that more or less what you got?

Kim said...

I love playing and rearranging! Your plants have me thinking spring!!

Rebecca said...

How fresh your spring arrangements!
I have only scattered some glass eggs and a few sheep and bunnies on shelves and mantel...
We've been able to be outside and have concentrated our efforts on sprucing up a few of the beds (so far) and doing some serious pruning on some bushes before they begin to leaf out.

Sherry said...

loving your spring additions ♥
not surprised by your special touches.
and i really like that 'new' chair!

Cheryl said...

Just came from Dotsie's refreshed space and now I see yours! (I am behind in my blog reading. We have had a season of several gatherings close together, and then my parents have both had some health struggles over the past week, so I have been busier than usual.)

Anyway, I love this Friday Five! As much as I adore decorating for fall and then Christmas, sometimes I think that spring is the time that I need a sprucing up in my house. I think your shelves look fabulous. And the new chair is a blessing. I think you'll learn to love it in your space . . . but since the price was right, you'll not have any problem letting it go if you don't learn to love it. :) Win-win! said...

Working hard on keeping your house beautiful and comfy looking!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

There's nothing like a little spring cleaning and decorating to lift our spirits after a long winter. I enjoyed the tour of your lovely home. It's snowing again here today, but soon and very soon Spring will be here in earnest. In the meantime we concoct our own sunshine and, as my old neighbour used to say, hope for better days ahead.

Wishing you a lovely day...

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...