Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 26, 2018

Spring Concert

Our homeschool co-op had its spring concert Friday night, and I knew you'd love to see Kamryn's class singing (she is in the blue floral dress with the coral sweater on the right).

Kyle and Sarah were in a drama class and they performed at the concert.  They are in the front in this photo...

They were the Sun (Sarah) and the Moon (Kyle) in a play from Genesis 2 and 3.  All the lines were scripture and it ended with the gospel.

They also were in the 7-Ups Ensemble.  (7th grade and up)  

Sarah loves to sing and perform, but Kyle surprised me when he took those classes and surprised me by enjoying them!  They both did very well.

I had to get a picture of Birdie (my mom) and Kamryn together.  They are best pals.

Kayleigh bought the girls matching dresses for spring (concert and Easter) and matching shoes.  Klaire did not want to stand still for a photo, she wanted to walk around with Kamryn, so I took a video!

Too much cuteness!

We love our co-op.  Its a blessing and a joy to join together with these dear families and encourage and support each other.  I am the one of the oldest members of the group, the only one with a homeschooling granddaughter as well as my own homeschool kids, and some of the moms are young enough to be my kids!  They say that knowing I homeschooled all these years and still love it (and am still sane) is such an encouragement to them, that they can do this long term! 

We are on break from co-op now, until September, but the way the year is already flying by, it'll be fall before we know it!


Linda said...

Ah, I loved getting to see these snippets of your good time!! Adorable! Every one!!
It was so nice to meet your mom.....

Vee said...

What nice action shots of your scholars participating in these endeavors and how nice that they have the opportunity to do so. It must be great fun to watch them bloom.

That’s an absolute fabulous photo of Birdie and Kamryn. (Now I am wondering how often I may have called Kamryn by her mama’s name. 🙃)

Is that snow gone? Hope so!

Cheryl said...

Love the matching dresses; the girls look darling! I am surprised at how much older Kamryn looks these days.

It is wonderful to see all the kids in their element! Sometimes those guys are full of surprises! Gavin has been pulling a few of those lately! It is delightful to see them grow and change and find their way.

The oldest mom in your group of homeschoolers? Kindreds!! :D

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...