Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Taking A Walk

Yesterday, was a damp and cold day. No sun, just clouds and later rain. We decided to get out and get some exercise, as little children and dogs need a bit of "wearing out" so they don't get too wound up in the house!

Rachel is trying to keep her 14 month old dog in line...Sadie is a very good dog, just still hyper and has to sniff every leaf, twig, get the picture.

In front of Rachel is Lindsay with her 6 year old lab/mix Samantha. Sam has been the best dog for our family. She is great with the kids (Rachel used to lay on her).

Sarah, in her typical fashion, kept going back and forth between Emily and I. I don't know if you can tell but she has her pink sparkly shoes on! Emily is a great big sister and Kyle stayed with her the whole time.
Oh, did you happen to see the Moon, Venus and Jupiter last night? It cleared up enough for us to attempt some shots of it. You should be able to see them together tonight too, it is pretty unusual to seem them together like that. It is a tad blurry, it was just taken with our digital point and shoot camera. All of life is so educational, isn't it? It was bright and beautiful, and fun to look at.

1 comment:

Alicia @ said...

You are so right, every experience is a learning time. We live in such a beautiful place for kids to learn so much. We are blessed. I love just going on walks and letting my mind wander. And its even better when Ryan and I go together!

Information Friday

  Two things that will change - 1. Move the grill, and 2. Find a spot for my lamppost. The firewood holder and the fire ring need a new spot...