Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Daily Devotions

Forgive me for being absent from the blog. We have been busy finishing those big and little projects around the house, that get put off until you are going to be having people over!
Ahh, it has been alot of work, but so worth it and I will show you hopefully tomorrow!
Tonight I want to post about having daily devotions. I went to a day long seminar on Saturday and was reminded again of my need to be in God's Word daily. I often put it off thinking I will get to it "later". So I have made a committment to get up when the Lord wakes me up and spend my time reading and praying. Sunday morning I was awakened at 4:30 a.m. Yikes! But I was awake and had my time with the Lord uninterrupted. I then felt free to go back to sleep for awhile, which I did!!!
I am reading "My Utmost Devotional Bible". I like that it has Old Testament scripture, a Proverb and Psalm a day, and a New Testament reading as well.
I feel like I have been less stressed and much more in tune with the Lord, which I really need.


Anonymous said...

Bless you sweetly. <><

Anonymous said...

When you are in the word daily, your day is better because your relationship with Jesus is growing and it's a blessing.

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Thank you for the reminder, I need to do more of that!

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