Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Not For Kids

I watched a troubling video on James McDonald's blog. The video shows a report on Barak Obama's beliefs about abortion, and Planned Parenthood's support of him.

If I were a one issue voter, this would be reason enough for me to NOT vote for him. We need to be afraid, very afraid, if this man is elected.


Tracy said...


Anonymous said...

AMEN !!! AMEN!!!!!!
Ruth, PA

Alicia @ said...

Where is this video? Is it on your sidebar??...I will go look!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

The video is at the blog that I highlighted in my post!

Phyllis said...

I could not find the blog for James McDoanld.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

When you read my post, the word "blog" is highlighted in red, that will take you to James McDonald's blog. You have to scroll down one post on his blog to watch the video.

Alicia @ said...

OH!! I didnt see that its highlighted, its only highlighted when I go over it! Thanks!

Kelly said...

Not only is this man scary, but he has no experience, which makes him even scarier!

Little Blue Violet said...

O...Truth ..why do we not see you?.......Check out the Saddleback interviews (on my sidebar) is interviews with the exact same questions posed to each candidate so you can compare the 2 candidates on specific issues. Obama is a far left puppet and has no true planother than to raise taxes/socialize healthcare thus making our system wore than it already is/ and making tax payers pay for his housing reform plan...he speaks out of both sides of his mouth in these interview stating in the war we should "step aside and let God do his work" yet turns arounds and says he is for abortion (NOT an example of stepping aside and letting God do his work!!) plus other isses of double talk. Scary just got scarier !!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You are right! We need to really pray!

Welcome to my blog, by the way!

Information Friday!

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