Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Scenes From The Fair

We had a fine time yesterday at the fair. Fridays are rodeo events, and the kids events for age 18 and under, start in the morning. Sarah and Kyle rode in the open lead line event with Grandpa Bob and Lindsay leading them.

I asked Sarah for a picture and this is what I got.
Here she is riding. She is looking a bit nervous here but she settled in and sat nicely the rest of the time.
Kyle just thought it was fun.
He has been around horses his whole life and is very comfortable on them...

Here is rancher Bob. He was enjoying his coffee. After this he had to go babysit his horse. Sandy and Cheyenne are close pals and as long as Sandy smelled Chey and she was with her she was fine. But get her away from Chey but able to smell her she would get all freaky. She bucked Lindsay off, and we had to send Chey back to the trailer so Sandy would settle down.
Here is Lindsay doing one of the fun events. She did "egg and spoon", "boot race", "western pleasure","dollar bareback," and "musical chairs."

She won 5th place in the dollar bare back event.
Rachel rode in one event. Walk, Trot, Jog equitation. She was nervous but did it.

Here she is being judged.

Waiting for the results....

Second Place!

We had a really fun day. The kids ride for pleasure here and don't take lessons. They are wanting to start lessons again. So I think we will be looking into it. They would like to improve their skills.

Sarah and Kyle got ribbons in their event for participating. So everyone came home happy!


Melissa G said...

Wow, 5th and 2nd places! That's great! Good job girls!

Becky K. said...

Everyone looks great! Congrats on the ribbons and for participating. Sandi looks so pretty too.

Bob looks like a real cowboy!

Becky K.

Becky K. said...

Great job Rachel and Lindsay!


Anonymous said...

Wow!!What fun! They looked real good from here! Winning is fun too! What did Emily do? Where is the fair anyway??

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Emily didn't want to ride this year. She is a very good, natural rider. The fair is in Lampeter.

Alicia @ said...

Wow, I love all the pics! Good job Lindsay and Rachel!! Glad they all had fun! Oh and I love Sarah in her Cowgirl hat, too cute!

Kelly said...

How Exciting! Way to go, kiddos! Is this something anyone can attend? We'd love to come and watch them next time.

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! Keep up the good work!

Information Friday

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