Saturday, November 29, 2008
Animal Cracker Illustrations
We have always used "teachable moments" and gave information at the appropriate level. We have never joked about s*x or used coarse talk...we want them to know that God made man and woman for each other, and that He finds it good, within the context of marriage.
Tracy's post is a great illustration of a teachable moment with her oldest son, a package of animal crackers and the consequences of s*x outside marriage....
Advent Calendar
When my teens were little, this kind of Advent Calendar could easily be found. We used to purchase one every year and our then little ones would have the Christmas story in scripture memorized by Christmas day.
When our little ones came along, we had a harder time finding the calendars I wanted. I didn't want there to be a picture of a star or SpongeBob or even Veggie Tales characters - I wanted there to be scripture verses. Some years I skipped the Advent Calendar altogether when I couldn't find them.
I look every year and this year I hit the jackpot! Berean Bookstore carries this sweet, old fashioned Advent Calendar! A bonus was that they were the least expensive ones they sell! I bought 3 this year. One for our nieces Sara Anne and Anna and one for our great nephew Elijah, and one for my children! I intend to save ours every year now just in case I can't find them next year. I may go out and get one for my new great nephew, who is still being knit together in his Momma's womb, sweet Alicia's little wee baby.
I want a legacy left for my children and the children of my nieces, nephews, and one day my own grand children. I want that legacy to be a Christ Centered Christmas, and life. I pray that each precious one comes to know the Saviour, Jesus. The true reason for the season!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Scenes From Our Day
Our dogs Samantha and Sadie, enjoyed themselves too.
Sarah likes to dress like a cowgirl, when the inspiration strikes! Her she doesn't have the hat on but she was in her "outfit."
There was of course a lot of hugging going on yesterday!
With our week going differently than originally planned, things had to be reshuffled. So Tim cut our tree yesterday, instead of today, so I could get that decorated!
I don't have a photo yet, of the tree finished. It is so beautiful! Kyle however says "it needs more Christmas!" He doesn't think there are enough decorations on it yet!
Today, Becky and I are decorating at the church, so it will be ready for the beginning of Advent. That will be fun, then a trip to Target to exchange a coat for Emily. Then I may just catch up with the rest of my family, who are using chain saws, a log splitter and a lot of muscle to get firewood for our friends, my parents, a lady in need who lives nearby, and us.
Good thing I don't need to worry about what to make for dinner!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Precious Time
Our trip to the funeral of Tim's cousin was special. We felt your prayers for us Tuesday night while traveling, we hit quite the snow storm on the Turnpike through the mountains...God kept us safely in His hands.
We were so thankful to have gone. We realized that even though we talk of going to see them, it has been 8 years since we did! Eight years! Were did that time go? These people are dear to our hearts and precious - how could it be eight years? They have never met our Sarah or Kyle! We will be making intentional trips to spend time with them.
The joy was that it was as if we had never been away! They were so happy to see us. We did a lot of hugging and comforting and just sharing in their sorrow, yet peace that he no longer was suffering. (He had been dealing with bone cancer and having seizures, as well as some addictions) Aunt Mary Lou, was comforted that she no longer needed to worry about him, because as all mothers know, even when your child is 61 years old you will still be caring and concerned for them!
Tim said that the day was also a good reminder that this life is not the end, and we need to be mindful of those around us who do not have the hope of eternity with the Lord. We need to live intentionally with those God has placed in our lives, because we don't know the length of our days.
Thank you so much for your prayers.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
We will be heading there this afternoon, for a morning funeral tomorrow. Emily is making the trip with us, but the others will be staying home with their grandparents. I should get home in time Wednesday evening to get my turkey in the oven.
This has made for an unexpected turn in the plans for the guys to work on firewood. (They are rescheduling for Friday.) It has made us mindful of the fact that we do not control our lives. God holds them, knows all our days, but we do not. It is so important to know that our salvation is sure.
Since I will not have a computer available to me on this quick trip, I wanted to leave you some of my Thanksgiving posts from last year.
The Mayflower and The Speedwell
The Journey
Now I leave you with this wonderful quote:
Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men, but be careful that you do not take the day and leave out the gratitude."
E.P. Powell
Monday, November 24, 2008
Blog Award

Here is what she said about the award:
"It's called the Marie Antoinette Award. This award is passed to those who are brave enough to share honestly about themselves and their lives, and be transparent in blog land.
Then she shared these kind words -
"Mrs. Rabe, is a gentle woman who lovingly shares many things about her family, church and her Lord. Going to her blog is always a sweet place to go and visit a while"
This was a blessing to me - when I started to blog it was to share my life in the hopes of being an encouragement to others. I was happy to know that is happening....all credit goes to the Lord! It is His work, in His way that has helped me to grow, to desire more of Him and to share that with my precious family and with you....Thank you Ronda, I am humbled to be in the company of the other women you chose.
My Husband Is On Vacation
I may not be posting quite so regularly this week but wanted you to know that I will still pop online and check out your blogs as I get the chance. I really want to enjoy time with my husband and kids this week. We don't have anything really big planned; a trip to view Christmas lights, splitting wood at a friends' house....
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, in case I don't get a chance to tell you later in the week!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I Tried, I REALLY Did!
Please ignore the blankets on the floor - the little girls slept on the floor in my room last night.
Next I am nearly finished with an apron for my mom. Yes, she knows about it, I started it just for a gift for her and put it away in a drawer and then forgot about it. So I told her I was finishing it for Christmas. She will get something else, also.
I have been working on fabric bags for the girls. I made this one last Saturday, thinking it would be for Emily, but it turned out smaller than I wanted so it will be going to a little sister instead.
Here is the inside - loving the contrast of fabrics.
Now that I have posted, the dam has been broken and there are many things I plan still on sharing, like my Advent Calendar, aprons for the little girls, decorating.....someone please stop me!
I Changed My Background Again
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Butterfly Award

I want to pass it along to blog friends "old" and new!
Lady Jane - this dear gal always inspires me and makes me laugh. She is one of my oldest blog friends!
Karen - is a new friend and I really like her! She shares her life and friendship and I have enjoyed getting to know her!
Brenda - Coffee, Tea, Books, and me is a blog that I have begun to read more regularly. It always is encouraging, fun and uplifting.
Stephanie- at Cottage Thoughts is Brenda's daughter. I have enjoyed reading her posts on hospitality. This blog is a recent find, and I try to read it several times a week.
Melissa - her Home and Heaven blog is a new one to me - I found it through "Eyes of Wonder" and "Little Jenny Wren." I appreciate her heart for her family and the simple things of life. We are both home educators as well.
Of course, I have many more I could give it to, but some have already been given it by others and I don't want to be repetitive! Just know that I gain something from all my blogging friends and I am so thankful for all of you!
Prayer Update
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Prayer Request
So, I Looked Out My Window....
Monday, November 17, 2008
This and That

I basically use view A, but I don't put the elastic in the sleeves and for Emily's I used the longer length! Oh, and we also lower the elastic to the natural waistline instead of under the bustline.
Here are my girls in their new shirts.
Here are a few photos from the concert:
These girls are the 7-Ups ensemble. They were great and did an awesome version of "In Christ Alone." It brought cheers and tears to our eyes. Emily is in the front row 2nd from the left.
These are some of the squirrelly 4th-6th grade boys. They sang their hearts out! They made me cry too!
This is my sweet Rachel.
Now I must run. Have lovely day, we actually have some blue sky showing! It is chilly again though...just as fall should be. Medieval history is calling....
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Just Popping In To Say....
The kids really sang their hearts out and God was glorified! The kids who played, including Emily, did great, too!
After all the struggles throughout the 9 weeks leading up to the concert, the kids just shined!
God always reaches down, takes our small efforts and makes it great!
I will post pictures tomorrow, hopefully!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A Couple Of Busy Days

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Words From A Three Year Old....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Recently, to go along with Lindsay's interest in outdoor survival and outdoor living, she has been making things such as a teepee, a bed for the teepee, cloaks. She made some moccasins for Emily out of leather and denim. Yesterday, we stopped at Michaels, and a regular moccasin kit was purchased by Emily and then Lindsay sewed them up last night.
This lead to a flurry of activity. Lindsay made Sarah some denim moccasins...
Monday, November 10, 2008
We Have A Winner!
My kids have been excited about this give away - they all joined in this morning to help me. Lindsay took pictures, Rachel read the names off the comments list, Sarah wanted to do everything, Emily supervised. Kyle got to pick the winner!
Here are some of the names of you ladies who commented! I had to write two on another page.
Here are the names folded up and in a bowl.
Here Kyle has grabbed a winner, who can it be?
It's Karen! Congratulations Karen!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Amazing Grace
Thanks be to God for His immeasurable gift!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Elmer grew up to be a missionary and served 23 years in Senegal, West Africa. He and Tim's mom buried two of their six children there, Davy died at 6 months of complications from malaria. Joey died at age 10 - he was killed by a crocodile. Elmer and Jean continued to serve the African people that God had sent them to. Elmer, who was greatly overweight, was a well loved man there. He loved to bargain, which is a way of life in Senegal. He traveled in the country, handing out tracts and Bibles, but he also suffered from depression. When my husband was about 12 the family came home, and his dad went into the hospital to be treated for depression.
Both of these men loved their families the best they knew how. Both of them were saved by the grace of God. Today we know they are in heaven with the Lord, and I think they must know each other, hanging out with my Grandma who tells them both all about us all. Grandpa and Elmer both died before Tim and I met.
One day we will all meet again - without pain of depression or heartache. Just joy.
Happy Birthday Al and Elmer - we remember you and love you both.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Feminine Friday

My darling surprised me with flowers yesterday. This was something that he used to do a lot and when our budget got tight, years ago, I suggested that he should stop bringing me flowers. What was I thinking?
Anyway, he brought home these lovely flowers. It was so sweet and they are delightful. It is interesting how that simple act spoke love and thoughtfulness to me. My girls always like it too, and Sarah was even asking me last night, if she could have one...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
500th Post Give Away!
This is a Royal Albert "Old Country Roses" variation tea cup. I collect these, I don't have this one, I WANT it! Can I put my name into the drawing?
I am looking forward to your comments! And to giving away some of my favorite things!
The other day the farm was open for school groups only, but we got to go in and do some fun things for the little ones. It is probably the last trip for this year as the farm closes for the season, on Saturday. We also were there before the school groups arrived and the kids did everything they wanted to before the groups got there, so it was like having the place open just for us!
Here they come!
Wouldn't you know that when I went to snap the last photo of their happy faces at the bottom, my batteries died! Ugh!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Field Trip
We were hoping to see an awesome train display. The week I wanted to take them, it rained and was very windy for 3 days - so I painted my parents dining room. Unfortunately, that week ended the train display so we missed it! Boo hoo!
This is a giant cornucopia in the Music Room in the Conservatory. The pumpkins were displayed all around it.
Aren't they beautiful?
Home Keeping
After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...

Sunday was Charter Day here in Pennsylvania. We celebrate the king giving William Penn's father the charter for this land, by opening a...
Today is Melissa's due date -she is in labor and she and Geoff were headed to the birthing center to have the baby! I know she will co...