Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Schedule

Tim's job requires that he do shift rotations.  This means that every 7 weeks he changes work shifts.  The one he is on right now is a favorite one for our family - the one he used to be on for most of the year.  We like it as it works well with our schedule as a homeschooling family.  
The downside of this schedule is that our main meal together as a family falls at lunchtime.  This requires that I be a bit more organized and purposeful with my schedule, so that this meal together takes place.  The great thing about it is that once Tim leaves for work, we are done with most of our work for the day around the house and with our big meal being eaten at lunchtime, it is easy fixin's for dinner.  Usually leftovers or sandwiches.

This scary woman is my usual mowing the lawn outfit.  How many of you can boast one of those?   It has been such a hot summer, that I usually wear my hat with my hair pulled up underneath!  The cool shades are a must, as well.  I actually like doing the mowing, even though up to this week I have been using an ancient riding mower.  It died and a few days later our neighbor said "you wouldn't happen to need a riding mower would you?"

This bad boy has a 42 inch mowing deck, power steering, cruise control...and a cup holder!  Yeah, baby!  We got it for such a great price, it is truly  unbelievable, unless you know how God works!  Our neighbor's nephew just happened to be selling his....When I test rode it, Tim asked what I thought.  I said "It is like driving a Cadillac!"  I love my new John Deere Lawn Tractor!  With about 2 acres to mow several times a week, this is such a blessing to me!  

I also am so happy to be able to do this job so that Tim is freed up to do other projects.  He works so hard everyday for us, that I love being able to help him in this way.

The flower gardens are doing well, but are going to need some attention soon.  It is hard to believe it is almost August!  Lindsay and I were talking today about what seeds we want to try next year in the garden.  There is always so much to do around here but it is joyous work.  

He is a photo of the cake I made for my son's friend's birthday.  Kelly  asked me for a photo and asked if I liked the decorations.  I have to say that I was disappointed with several things. One, as it was the hottest and most humid days of the year that day, the frosting was not cooperating.  Even in the air conditioned house.  They had requested red velvet cake and so I did cream cheese frosting.  It kept sliding down the side of the cake, thus the cake was visible through the frosting.  Two, being so humid caused the decorator frosting to be too soft to make roses.  Aarggghhh!  I had to settle for piping the Happy Birthday and then just putting red dots all over the cake!  I still haven't heard whether they liked it or not....Because of my own disappointment with it - I assume everyone will see it negatively.  My son's girlfriend said "You are like super-mom!  I don't think there is anything you can't do except be a man!" ha ha That made me laugh!  

So to end this post I will just add that I am glad to have until next week before we start school.  It takes me a week usually to get into the new schedule of Tim's work and to think about what needs to be done when.

I am so thankful for the life that God has blessed me with.  It is the life I always hoped for - to be a wife and mother.  I have the best husband in the world, and I am blessed by my children. My parents live nearby and our relationship is sweet....We are part of a great fellowship of believers...

Hey, I better get going...Tim gets off work in 25 minutes.  Maybe we will have a late night deck date when he gets home....the moon was full last might be very romantic!


Tracy said...

I think the shift that Tim is working sounds pretty good. I wouldn't mind at all having my big meal at noon, but that's how I grew up.

What a blessing to get a new mower just when you needed it. Isn't that just like God?

I'm alwyas much harder on myself than others are. I'm sure the cake was delicious!

Becky K. said...

Ok, we will have to remember this shift in schedule, as well.

I remember when I knew you but wouldn't have had a clue about how shift work really effects your family. I love how our friendship has grown and watching our children grow closer, as well.

You are so cute in that hat and sunglasses. How awesome that you are now driving a John Deere. Warren would be so proud. He loves his too.

Becky K.

Melissa G said...

Elijah would love that John Deer mower!

I think the cake still looks good. Cream cheese frosting is my fav!

The roses are beautiful!

Ronda said...

My Bob has had to work a job beofre with shift changes like that. Make sure your Tim gets lots of sleep on those other shifts. It's really important.

Enjoy the fun that comes with all the changes though as well.

Congrats on your new lawn mower! I hate to say it, but I'm a lil green with envy. When I was still able to help my Bob with mowing the grass, that's what I wanted.....A John Deere. So enjoy it deserve it. God is so Good!

By the way....I really like your white hat and sun shades. You look fab, cool, and going gal!

Love & Prayers,
Have A Peachy Keen Day.

Crystal’s Health Corner said...

I like the pictures of Tim & you =)I've always thought of you as one of those super-moms!

Praise the Lord for the mower!

They say it's healthier to have lunch be the bigger meal.

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