Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, July 24, 2010

This and That

It is going to be so hot here today!

99 degrees before factoring in the heat index....I am staying inside all day...

That is a good thing as I have a lot to do today.

I am making a birthday cake for a friend of Nate and Kayleigh's for her 21st birthday which is today.  Her husband wants it to be Red Velvet cake.  I have never made this kind before but found a great recipe on line.  I am nervous and excited about it.  I have to decorate it as well, and this is where the nerves come in, because I am out of practice!  I have an idea in my head and I want it to turn out like I "see" it in my mind.

Tim has to go to work later today, as does Emily.  They will both be feeling the heat!  Lindsay is running the store in the city by herself today.  It is our friend Denny's store and he is away visiting his sister who broke her leg and needed surgery, then they found out she has cancer in that leg.  Pray for her and for him to be an encouragement to her.  Lindsay gets to work in air conditioning, so we don't feel sad for her!

The day will be crazy a bit.  Tim took her to work, then stopped by the store for items needed for the cake.  I am going to start the baking as soon as I post this.  

Then in a bit Tim will leave for work, I will run Emily to work, come back work on the cake, pick Lindsay up at work, then Emily later depending on some possible social activities....

I also have to find out when the cake will be picked up today.

Good thing we had Bible Study here last night - the house is clean and tidy!  I may see if the little folk can go swimming at Camp Geezer for a while today, so I can focus on the cake.  They would love that!

I hope you have a lovely day!  Stay cool...unless you are in the Southern Hemisphere then I say, 'stay warm!'

Blessings on your day!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Did you take a photo of the finished cake? Were you happy with your decorations?

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