Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 26, 2010

Our Ten Days of Fun Is At An End...

Four generations

What started as a vacation weekend to Canada, for a family reunion, ended today with a mini reunion of sorts.

Tim's Mom (Grammy) came to visit Kamryn on their way home to Florida.  She is traveling with her husband, and Tim's sister Esther and brother in law Richard.  They came Sunday evening from NY, after being on Richard's family farm for a week.  This followed the weekend reunion in Canada.  Got all that?  hee hee!

My girls and I made breakfast Monday morning for the whole family, well at least those able to make it.  That made 18 people, though Kamryn didn't eat anything!  We made scrambled eggs with cheese, baked oatmeal, overnight french toast, sausage gravy and homemade buttermilk biscuits.  Sharon thoughtfully brought fruit.

This is why everyone was really at our cottage - Miss Kamryn.  Great Auntie Esther loved holding her.  She has two darling grandsons, so she was enjoying our sweet girlie in her cute dress!

Who could blame her?

This is one of our nieces, Jen.  She is home on a short visit and will return to Senegal, West Africa in October.  She loved holding Kamryn too!

Here is great Auntie Sharon...Kamryn is looking very content!

We did a lot of laughing and talking and sharing.  Families grow and change, but we are so thankful that this family continues to follow Great, Great Grandfather Daniel's prayer that his children and all their many descendants would walk with the Lord.  Thank you for answering that prayer, Lord!


Becky K. said...

I was thinking of you...I didn't know you were doing this much cooking though. Beautiful.

I love the pictures with Kamryn. Babies are just so magnetic. They draw people together. I am so very happy that Tim's Mom got to meet her Great-Grandgirl.

Becky K.

Alicia @ said...

Kamryn is looking so cute!! I love the chunk!!

Abounding Treasures said...

Sounds like a fabulous time was had by everyone!!

Unknown said...

4 generations Neat =) How special! So glad the mini reunion worked out. How we wish we could have been there!! For both reunions!!
Thx for sharing

Kelly said...

So glad you all had so much fun!

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