Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I Haven't Had Time For Reading Lately

I've been reading since I was in the first grade, I can't imagine my life without it.  So, why haven't I been reading?  I think it's because I read online so much.  I read the news - we don't have cable - I blog and read blogs, I am on FB....

I think I just haven't given myself the time to read.  I have a fairly busy schedule and when I have some free time I hop on the computer instead of picking up a book.  I have a pile of reading I want to do, now I just need to discipline myself to do it!

I usually have several books going at the same time.  What kinds of books do you read?  Are you ever reading more than one at a time?  What are you reading these days?


Kari said...

Hi, I'm Alicia's friend! She shared your blog with me after you posted about gentle parenting. I always enjoy it when Alicia shares all the wisdom you've given to her! =)

I love to read, as well! I mostly read Historical Christian Fiction, but I enjoy most genres. And I definitely have several going at once haha! My husband thinks I'm crazy. In a good way, of course =)

Alicia @ said...

I am the same way, when I get a moment, I hope on the computer. Its what I read too. Blogs, researching things etc.

Rebecca said...

A friend and I were just commenting about this yesterday over lunch! I/we identified technology as the "thief" of our book-reading enjoyment. I think you're right about the need to discipline ourselves to return to the habit!

I'm currently reading The Hawk and the Dove trilogy. I'm enjoying it so much (but find myself reading in short snatches compared to long periods of time). I also have a non-fiction book going - about a lady and her garden (don't have the book near me to get the title). It's quite "technical", but I want to finish it. I also have N.T. Wright's book, How God Became King, waiting for me to start it....

Vee said...

I have also discovered that I don't read as much as I used books that is. I also have more than one book going at a time. In truth, much of book reading is not as interesting to me as the reading I'm doing elsewhere. My interests have changed I guess. Currently, I prefer non-fiction over fiction.

Cheryl said...

I'm afraid I find myself in the same place. It's just too tempting to go to the computer during my down time.

I usually have a book on my nightstand and will read a chapter or two before I go to sleep. Currently, I am (re)reading Lynn Austin's Gods and Kings from her five book series Chronicles of the Kings. These books are fabulous!! (And I am not a big reader of Christian fiction...much of it is "fluff.") They are centered around King Hezekiah, and they are exciting and riveting and inspiring! And when the prophet Isaiah or the prophet Micah speaks (actual words from Scripture)...oh my goodness...goosebumps! They are powerful.

Emily Fay said...

There is nothing like a good book! Yet, I know how easy it is to be distracted and catch up with the world rather than set aside time for reading. I fall into the same thing over and over! I, too, usually have several books going at the same time. I am reading some wonderful homesteading books ~ and some Amish fiction. Have a lovely weekend.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I've been reading mostly very light fiction I've received free for the Kindle.

All very good for what I needed, just mental mini vacations. :)

A Heart of Praise said...

I love to read, these days it is hard to find time though! I have mostly been reading pregnancy books lately :).

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