Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, September 27, 2012

So, Today I Was Grumpy

and I kept it to myself, but basically I was feeling put upon and self centered and kept telling myself I had the right to do so.  I didn't.  Sigh....

We had a good school day though, and I am enjoying our study of the animals that live in the ocean.  We are studying toothed whales right now.

I managed to make a new chicken dish for dinner - I found the recipe on Pinterest.

It was delicious, and easy.  Oh and I didn't have rosemary so I obviously left it out, and I am thinking you could substitute other herbs and it would still taste great!

Well, the tomorrow is the big day for the horse events at our local fair.  Kyle is doing open lead line with Grandpa and Cheyenne, Sarah is doing walk, trot, jog equitation on Cheyenne and Rachel is doing barrels and pole bending on Libby.  Lindsay loves to do the evening events but unfortunately this year Sandy is unable to compete.  This last week Liberty got into Sandy's stall and kicked her in the legs and the side, and while she is recovering just fine, she is 22 years old and Lindsay wants to give her the opportunity to really heal and not push her too fast.

Oh and it is supposed to rain all night tonight and all morning.  Joy.  Nothing like sitting in the rain on metal bleachers.....sigh.  

Challenges abound...pray for my attitude!

Rachel and Kyle last year with Liberty.


Cheryl said...

I. am. grumpy. too. Mostly due to a keyboard that has a gremlin. It is skipping letters right and left...and then will all of a sudden type about 16 k's in a row or something ridiculous. Plus, I have over committed myself this week/weekend and I am stressed.

I'll pray for you, and you pray for me. Deal?

Getting ready to check out that chicken dish on Pinterest...

Anonymous said...

We *all* have grumpy days....I'm sure you'll be back to your normal sunny self in no time.

And thanks for the chicken recipe, I'm ALWAYS on the lookout for easy chicken recipes. :o)

Unknown said...

Praying for you! Last night, we lost power for awhile, which threw off the whole night-time routine and led to a less-than-thrilled Mommy who was very tired this morning. May you have sunshine in the morning!

Rebecca said...

Confession is good for the soul. And I just DID pray for your attitude. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. He blesses those who mourn and are brokenhearted over their sin. So humble yourself....and He WILL lift you up.

(Don't forget your umbrella!)

Rebecca said...

Confession is good for the soul. And I just DID pray for your attitude. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. He blesses those who mourn and are brokenhearted over their sin. So humble yourself....and He WILL lift you up.

(Don't forget your umbrella!)

Vee said...

Praying that you will hear God's direction for this day. He may even pop an idea or two in to help you cope. (Personally, how does anyone cope with metal seats on any day? Ugh.) He will surely not fail you as you yield to His direction. Lindsay is such a good horse mama. Dare I say that? I have seen some vile things at the fair where I have just wanted to throttle an owner or two.

It could also well be that the Lord wants some correction in other matters and that, by saying so clearly, it will be heard by others who need to understand. It can't always be mama's fault!

Alicia @ said...

Love your honesty. We ALL have those days. Good for you for keeping it to yourself.

Praying for today that *maybe* it's not raining. I am sure you will find joy with Gods help.

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