Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 3, 2012

Of Roosters, Hens, And A Day Off

IMG 0621 from Deanna Rabe on Vimeo.

We've been wanting to get a few chickens again, since we lost Lottie.

Cash is our rooster and Fiona is our new hen - a silky, who either came from Hospitality Lane to our friends who gave us to her, or she is one of the babies that hatched from a chicken given.  Either way, she is a sweet little chicken.  

 We want to get more layers, but for now Lindsay has a start on her breeding program.  She wants a few hens, separate from what will be our regular laying hens, who will live with Cash and hopefully hatch out babies.

We have some work on a bigger coop to get done, before we can get other chickens, though.  

There is always something going on at the Cottage.

I must say I really enjoyed my labor free day.  We didn't play any card games - I did offer - but I got some sleuthing in and am very close to closing the case!  Nancy Drew and I have been companions since my girlhood.  I love the computer games!

Today it is back to our normal routine, school and I will run Lindsay into the shoppe.

I will check my menu and see what meals are left on my two week list.  That will make dinner easy. 

Signs of Autumn are everywhere...I am excited about that!


Brenda said...

I love chickens too. Last spring we ended up with 4 chicks surviving. As of the last few weeks, it is obvious that 1 is a rooster and 3 hens. So total 2 roosters and 7 hens. I don't know how the 2 roosters will do but so far so good. I love to watch how they act socially. And I LOVE the fresh eggs. Enjoy yours...

Cheryl said...

Glad you enjoyed your laborless Labor Day! Everyone needs a day like that now and then!

Ooooo...I'm excited with you about those signs of autumn! :)

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...