Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Postcard Party - September

A Haven for Vee

We are having fun with Vee's monthly Note Card Party!

This month I want to bid farewell to summer!  I am showing flowers that bloom in my garden all summer long, but now are done for the year and at rest.

Farewell, glorious Peony!  Such beauty and a delightful scent!  See you next May!

Farewell to my Zephrine Drouhin rose.  This rose has become diseased and will be leaving my garden.  I love it though and will likely find a place for a new one!

Farewell, delightful hydrangea.  You've brought me great joy!

Farewell, Daisy!  You are a trooper in my garden!

If you want to join in the fun of the Note Card Party just follow the link above!


Lorrie said...

A lovely farewell to summer. Great photos that would make a wonderful card set.

Lynn said...

All very beautiful! Love the hydrangea pic and daisies have always been a favorite of mine-enjoy:@)

Becky K. said...

The daisy photo is my favorite because of the ones in the background. So fun.

Sorry about the roses.

Snap said...

Lovely tribute to your garden and to summer.I love daisies .. they are such a happy flower! Fun selections for Vee's party!

Vee said...

Would you believe that I shed a tear? What is wrong with me. I had the same reaction that I had to saying goodbye to my morning glory last summer. Ha! Beautiful flowers and how wonderful that God thought of them. We're better for having had them in our lives. I'm sorry that your beautiful rose must leave and I hope that you find another.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

oh, wow ... such perfect colors & so cheerful. i love flowers. really make any ones day. i love the peony & daisies. so lovely. (:

Donna said...

I especially love the hydrangeas! Lovely set!

Cheryl said...

Ahhhhhhh...a farewell to summer. Even a summer-endurer/autumn-lover like me must grieve the passing of such beauty. Gorgeous flowers in your garden, Deanna!

Pamela Gordon said...

I too, don't like to see summer's end. Your flower cards are very pretty. Pamela

Barbara F. said...

Lovely way to say good bye to one season, and getting ready to welcome the new one. Love daisies. Need to plant some in my yard. xo

HappyK said...

I'm not ready for the end of summer quite yet. Love your photos. The last one is my favorite!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Fall is my favorite season, but it is hard to say goodbye to summer flowers! Your photos are very pretty!

Judy said...

I'm always a little reluctant to say farewell to summer. Great choice of note card photos!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Hydrangeas are my favorite! You can always cut these and dry them to enjoy with Fall arrangements!

Alicia @ said...

Love hydrangeas!! One of my favs.

Brenda said...

I LOVE the flowers! So beautiful. As much as I love the summer, I am always ready for cooler weather.
Thanks for the link to the post card club...I am going to check it out!
Have a great weekend my friend,

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