Psalm 139:16 - Your eyes saw my substance, being yet
unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for
me, When as yet there were none of them.
Thank you for praying for my precious friend Amy.
It was a horrific miscarriage - we nearly lost her. We did lose her baby boy Noah John.
God's ways are higher than ours and sometimes to us mysterious, because we don't understand. However, sometimes He shows us glimpses of His hand at work.
Amy was lobbying her family for the name Ezra, if the baby was a boy. They all shot her down - they wanted the name Amy's husband suggested, which was Noah.
Yesterday we had a glimpse of God's 'behind the scenes' work. Noah mean "God comforts, God gives rest," and John means "grace." More than a month ago they chose a name that God would use to minister to them in a way they never imagined. God is giving comfort and rest in the midst of their pain, and He graciously spared Amy's life.
There were other things that He did, showing Himself in amazing ways, and though we see the graces of it, we grieve, and that's okay.
Emma and I had the privilege of caring for the kids. She goes a couple of times a month and helps out with their family. Amy's husband Tony is a doctor - finishing up his first year of residency. The first year is tough, and with a family it is like being a single parent. Emma has helped ease Amy's load a bit and the kids adore her.
It's a beautiful thing to see your children grow. Emma is an amazing young woman. She is steady in crisis - willingly does hard things....
I'm proud of her.
Pray for Amy. She's grieving.
It is a privilege to walk along side her and be her friend.
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I love that you and Emma were able to just go and be with the kids. I love that God had already made the way for the relationships to be there so that they would be comfortable with you.
Our hearts break for the loss of this little Noah. It is hard!
I've linked to your post today.
Praying for you too. This wasn't easy for you either.
Please give Amy my love and let her know I am praying for her and her family.
There don't seem to be adequate words and I can't even imagine the pain...
Praising the Lord that He spared her life....
This post moves me to tears. You are so right when you say that God's ways are so far beyond ours, "past finding out." And yet we feel His tender mercy when He gives us that glimpse of insight. My heart is moved as I consider the meaning of Noah's name..."God gives comfort." May Amy continue to know the Father's comfort as she walks this difficult journey.
A sad time indeed. I've been wanting to walk through "Lancaster Garden of Hope" for a while now. Perhaps you've heard about this little garden as it is in Intercourse, PA. The land was donated by an Amish man to help set up a peaceful place where parents who lost a baby through miscarriage or a full term lose, could set up a memorial if they were inclined.
Karen A.
Deanna, what a great comfort you and your family has been to your friends. God is so good to leave this precious mom with her other children. Some things we shall not know until Glory. I pray that Amy knows the peace that only God gives right in the middle of this storm of loss and grieving.
And yet again, the passage, "... and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" comes alive and breathes off the page. What a blessing that God chose you and your family to be the comfort bringers to them.
Praying for Amy... Yes, God's grace is evident. "All the days ordained for me are written in His Book." These are the words that He led me too in my own time of pain at the loss of my Hope Joy almost 6 years ago. He is a gentle and generous Father who is in every detail. Yes, I'm praying for Amy and for your Emma as she has opportunity to minister.
Blessings, Debbie
I've been praying for her and the family.
Not an easy to go through for sure. Thank you for sharing the meaning and story behind Noah's name.
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