Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Garden in May

I love my garden.  It makes me happy to grow flowers that I can cut and bring into the house or just share with others.

These are photos from my cottage garden.

 My stunning peonies.  These are the first peonies that I purchased.  I've had these for about 16 years.

 They have a glorious scent of old fashioned roses.

 So pretty with a light rain falling.  I took better photos yesterday and lost them all....don't ask.  

 These white iris are dainty and elegant.  They were given to me by my friends mother, who is now with the Lord.  The delightful thing about gardens and gardeners is the generosity of sharing beauty by dividing perennials.  It's a joy.

 A flower head on my hydrangea.  I cannot wait - I look forward to these beauties every year!

I wanted to show you my new pots on the deck.

  Euphorbia Diamond Frost, Calliope Dark Red Geranium, and Margarita Sweet Potato vine.  In the matching pot, I used Sweet Caroline Sweet Potato vine.

 Another cool day here.  Tomorrow through the weekend it's going to get hot - upper 80's.  Then next week into the mid 70's again.  Unusual weather year....I was despairing of the tomatoes if this weather continues, but Tim smiled and said "We'll offset the cost of tomatoes with cheaper energy costs."

What are you up to this week?


Vee said...

Those white irises are simply stunning and of all the lovelies that you've shown us today really stand out to me. Pardon my lack of commas...the iPad isn't cooperating. We must be enjoying the same kind of weather as that sounds like ours. I hope to create a basket or two, but I'm keeping it simple this year. I don't want to have to do a lot of watering! Enjoy your week...funny my sister is also questioning my week...I don't think you're asking because you would like my help, though. ; D

no spring chicken said...

I enjoy your cottage garden each year. I've yet to plant a peony and yet they are my absolute favorite spring bloom!

Blessings, Debbie

Rebecca said...

ALL of your flowers are beautiful! I am waiting for our (single) peony plant's flowers to open and the white roses, too. Our irises have just been gorgeous this year.

I'm getting a slow start to this week for some reason. Guess I'm going to have to make a list to get me started :) It's cloudy and windy out - looks like it wants to rain some more.

Lorrie said...

Your white irises are really gorgeous. I don't think I've ever seen a pure white one. Peonies are such pretty flowers, all ruffly and sweetly scented. Mine are still tight buds, but I'm watching them closely.
So far this week I've taught two days (French) and don't know if I'll be called in more. Other than that, I hope to get to some sewing since the weather is rainy and cool, making gardening not much fun.

Cheryl said...

Your garden is just beautiful...a treasure of loveliness!

This week? Picking strawberries, plodding on with our school work, capping strawberries, getting ready to host two parties this weekend, making strawberry shortcake, making strawberry jam...

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Your flowers are gorgeous! I just finished planting the flowers in pots for my deck this afternoon. It has taken a couple weeks to do it just a little at a time.

It has been such a busy time these past few weeks planting flowers and getting the garden in when it wasn't raining.

I think I'm going to plant the seeds you sent me in the garden, there is room in the "new" herb bed and it needs something.

Loving the needlework gift! The longer it resides in that simple green frame, the more I like it there. It fits the message. :)

Theresa said...

Beautiful flowers:) I love having flowers that I can cut and bring inside too! Have a blessed week, hugs!

Debbie said...

Your flowers are just beautiful. Every time I see a close up of a peony (We don't grow them this far south), I understand why they are my mother's favorite flower.

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