Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Almost Finished...

With the 18th year of homeschooling.

18 years!  Wow.  

My three students have just 7 days left to reach our official 180 days.  

Kids and cousins at the Liberty Bell

I'm kind of excited.  I look forward to our break as much as the kids do!  I do make them do math skills by playing math games.  I have found that if we don't they forget some basics.  Oh and of course we always read.  The girls are big readers and it thrills my heart!

We have our evaluations at the end of the month, and both girls will need to do testing this year.

Kyle working on his penmanship

We've had a good year.  American history, Marine Life, math, reading, writing, health, art, physical education, field trips.

Dress up is a fun part of being inspired by a book!

Rachel will start high school this next year.  If she works hard she may finish a year early like Lindsay and Emily did.  If so, she'll be done with compulsory education.  That's incredible to me.

Sarah seeing what it's like to be a sea turtle on land.

I am thankful for these years with my children.  I wish everyone could home educate their children.  It is such a blessing.  Even on the hard days, and there are hard days.

Cute girls in hats.

Kyle is finishing 2nd grade this year.  That means 10 years more.  We will have good days and hard days.  Days of laughter and tears,    joys and sorrows.

Kyle's new poster of the periodic table.

One of my favorite things about home education is the ability to simply integrate our learning into our life.  It has become a complete part of our lives.  It affords us the freedom to take part of a day and help an elderly couple from our church, visit the grandparents or to volunteer at our local fire company.  It allows us to enjoy the library during the day and as Kyle said when we were there recently "It's like a never ending credit card!" He loves the library!

Our last day falls on the first day of our state homeschool convention.  It's appropriate.  I'll be looking for some materials for next year.

Mostly though, I go to the convention to be encouraged, to hear inspiring speakers, to buy books.  Some years I've made more purchases of books for me, than readers for the kids, and that's okay.  We home educating mothers need to keep our minds sharp, be wise and discerning and stay encouraged.

I am thankful that the Lord has lead us down this path for our children's education.

It's been great.


Cheryl said...

As you know, I share your joy in homeschooling. After 20+ years, I can't imagine it any other way. It is such a rich life! I have only six years to go. Oh, how the years fly by...

Congratulations on the (almost!) completion of another successful school year!

Vee said...

Reading about your homeschooling experience always makes me nod and smile. I'm so thankful for the families who do it and do it well. I don't worry that homeschooled kids are being taught revisionist history or any of the questionable things so prevalent in schools today. Your kids always look as if they're having fun learning. Just as it should be!

Melissa G said...

Wow, you're almost done! Sounds like it was a fun year and full of learning.

Melissa G said...

18 years! I'm so impressed!

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