Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May Post Card Party

Today, I am late to the party.

I am enjoying our long cool spring.  I am hopeful that the rain will bring beautiful cottage flowers in the summer.

Meanwhile I'll enjoy the photos of last years garden.  

Link up if you want to share some photos that you think would make nice notecards.
A Haven for Vee


Carol said...

I love the peonies on your header! The cone flowers & pink rose are so pretty. They all would definitely make wonderful note cards!


ellen b. said...

Love your flowers. I'll email you with some of my suggestions for a trip to G.B. Too bad we couldn't sit down over coffee and I'd go on and on and on about all the great sites there are to see....

Snap said...

I love cone flowers and roses. Here's to flowers and more flowers in our gardens! Lovely selections for Note Cards.

Vee said...

The flowering shrubs seem to enjoy the cooler than usual spring.

Beautiful last year's flowers. Soon you will see them again. Has your garden already been moved?

Barbara F. said...

Such pretty flowers, the rose is stunning. xo

bj said...

I love your cards...and that adorable fence.
Thanks for coming by...this is such a fun party.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Flowers make the prettiest cards! Happy Spring to you!!!

podso said...

Beautiful photos! The flowers are great and ours too have enjoyed cooler weather .... until today. We'll see if the heat continues, hope not yet!

Anonymous said...

Pretty note card photos!

And your blog is looking so *lovely* too. :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love cone flowers and these look extra special by the pretty white fence!

Karen said...

Gorgeous shades of deep pink! I love coneflowers.

Debbie said...

Pink flowers and picket fences.
You just managed to combine two of my very favorite things. I'm lovin' it.

(Wait. Wasn't that a McDonald's commercial or something?)

Phoebes World said...

Lovely pics, I adore Roses and pink is my favourite colour.Thank you for sharing
Phoebe x said...

Beautiful!!! I want some of those in my yard.

Theresa said...

Beautiful cards! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Pamela Gordon said...

Very pretty blooms. I'm glad you're enjoying your cool spring but I'm longing for some heat here. :) It came for over a week then left again. Have a great day. Pamela

Denise said...

Your note cards are so pretty! I love the purple coneflowers framed by the white picket fence. The pink rose reminds me of our roses.

How exciting that you're going to England and Scotland!! Have you ever been before? I wish I knew enough about it to tell you where to visit. I've only been the one time. I did enjoy Stratford upon Avon, but I've heard it can be very crowded during tourist season. I would certainly try to tour Westminster Abbey if I were you. I loved the small villages in the countryside much better than London, although London is a lovely city. I hope you have a great trip!

Denise at Forest Manor

Lorrie said...

What pretty note cards these photos would make. Coneflowers are so striking, I think.
How fun to be anticipating a trip to the UK!

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