Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Pinch Me


As you all know I got fruit trees for my Mother's Day gift.  I love them!

Today I got a few extra gifts.

Emily gave me a lovely tea cup and some tea.

Isn't it beautiful?  The color is gorgeous.

I also got Scottish Breakfast Tea and Shortbread...and a fun letter telling of my life and how I was going to be able to say "I'm going to SCOTLAND!"  What?!!!

My Dad's bucket list has a trip to Edinburgh to see the Tattoo.  He and Lindsay were planning a trip and they would meet up with my nephew Evan, who is going to be there at the same time.

Today I found out that I am going too, and that  we will be going to England first, then to Scotland.  It is not really a Mother's Day gift but a gift for my 50th birthday, which is coming up in October!

Thank you, Tim.  It's an amazing gift.


We will see the sights in London, go to Scotland we are going to our ancestral sights; Ayrshire, the Isle of Skye and then to Edinburgh.  I also hope to see Stirling Castle. 

 I can't believe it.

Have any of you gone to England or Scotland?  Any hints of things that you think are a must see?


Cheryl said...

So happy for you!! =D

Unknown said...

That sounds lovely!! I've only been to France and Italy, so I'm no help, but I'm so happy for you!

Debbie said...

So wonderful!!
I have never been to England or Scotland, and if I were not cheap and not afraid to fly, they would be on the top of my dream list to see.

Theresa said...

I have not been but would love to tag along:) Lovely gifts! Have a blessed day dear friend! HUGS!

jean said...

Haven't gone to either place but, no doubt, you'll have a great time. I'd rather get fruit plants than jewelry anytime : )

Vee said...

Wow! What a gift! What fun just to think about such a gift! No, I've never been so am no help to you there. That tea cup is truly gorgeous. I've never seen any tea cup more lovely. Enjoy your teas and fruit trees and all those children who make you the be their mom.

no spring chicken said...

No! I've never been anywhere as grand as England or Scotland! Sorry... that was my jealous old man rearing his ugly head... Actually I am thrilled for you. :) :) :)

Blessings, Debbie

Rebecca said...

How blessed you are! No, I've not been either place - but England is one of the European countries I would love to visit. I'm so happy for you.

Anonymous said...

How exciting!!!! I've never been to England, but I've always wanted to go.

Your teacup is so lovely too.

So excited for you!

Mama to 12, so far said...

I am so excited for you! How wonderful.
That tea cup is a lovely shade and just beautiful all around.

Melissa G said...

OH how fun! You'll love it! There's so much to see in all those places! Edinburgh is amazing!

Geoff's sister and brother in law lived on the Isle of Skye as he was a pastor there for a while. Now they live in Aire, Scotland at a church there.

I'm glad you blog and can take us along with you through your pictures! :)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Stephanie and her husband went to England for their 10th anniversary (but before the actual anniversary due to the availability of childcare).

They loved it. They weren't so thrilled with London, did enjoy Bath, and really loved the Lake District where they stayed in a B&B.

Of course, they had to spend a day in Ambleside... being a Charlotte Mason homeschooling Mom and all.

Tracy said...

Such a fabulous gift! I long to visit Ireland. And Poland and Germany, too.

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