Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Back To Normal?

Well, what passes for normal in my neck of the woods anyway!  I am happy to be able to get back to some fun activities that were sadly neglected the last year and a half!

I bought yarn last week and have started a wrap for myself.  I am hoping to take it to Scotland in August, so I'll have to knit quickly. It probably won't be finished but I like to be busy with my hands so I am enjoying the work.

It's a deep blackberry color and I love it!

I am already thinking ahead to Christmas (shhh, don't tell) because I have decided to make a lot of my gifts this year.  

Look what I found in the dollar bin at our local craft store..

Two luscious skeins of a coral chenille!  Won't that make a girl happy?  I can envision a nice scarf or a cute hat.  I wished they had more of this - I dug through and this was all they had!

Okay, so enough Christmas talk for now, but feel free to comment and tell me if you are working on anything handmade or semi handmade for you know what!


Cheryl said...

I don't knit, but that scrumptious yarn makes me want to! Wonderful colors! Hope you'll show us the finished products...sometime...

I won't tell. ;)

Unknown said...

I love those colors, and way to be proactive about making your gifts!!

Lorrie said...

Your knitting projects sound great. I like to have something to do with my hands, too. But I haven't even started thinking about Christmas! I'm impressed!

Debbie said...

I love that deep pink! You didn't dye that yourself, did you? I know a lot of people do. It looks like a rich, vegetable dye.

Vee said...

Ya have to get started early if you're doing a lot of homemade things for Christmas. I really should I should keep a secret folder in my Pinterest files...wait! I do!

Love that color chenille...very pretty. I am also working on a scarf for a project BJ talked that's pretty fun. Yours is a deeper shade and mine's a smoky pink.

no spring chicken said...

I'm really not thinking about 'you know what' yet. But I should! Great chenille... I do love a good bargain. :)

Blessings, Debbie

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Sorry your daughter injured her knee! I did something to my meniscus and it wasn't serious enough to require surgery - but to this day- some activities bother it and it swells.

Great find on the chenille!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...