Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ice Cream Social

 My granddaughter, Kamryn enjoying her ice cream.

 Emma, Rachel and  Sarah  - Lindsay is the photographer on all these photos.

 Love this one of Sarah!

 Our friend John and his two girls!  Aren't they adorable?

 They had a jump rope competition...

 This Dad has 5 daughters and he knows how to jump rope!  Look how high they are!

 Jeremiah's plan to hold Molly while they jumped worked....

 The Hospitality Lane folk - Chelsea and Warren did well too.  I hear Warren was in a jump off after tying in the ice cream desserts quiz!
 The cute set up for photos....Sonja...


 The room!  Turquoise, hot pink and lime green!  We made the hanging ice cream cones out of paper lanterns and scrapbook paper!  The hanging records were scrapbook paper too!

Emily's green polka dot wrap dress completely went with the colors!  So cute!

Amy is going to send me some of her photos.  She took the dad/daughters photos and I can't wait to see them!  I just love and appreciate these men so much.  They have such great hearts for their families.

I was home riding herd on a rowdy group of boys chasing each other with stinky socks, so I was happy to see these fun photos from a successful party!


chidimma said...

This is beautiful! the photographs and the concept!


Theresa said...

Oh what a fun time! JUMPING high, WOW! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Melissa G said...

Oh how fun! Looks like a great night!

Bonnie said...

The girls had soooo much fun!!! Although Asher couldn't understand why HE couldn't go too....Cute kid.
What a great night.Thanks for all your efforts.....

Sue said...

Now! this is what I would call a fun night, one that the daughters, and fathers will place in their memory banks, and will last a lifetime.
Thanks for sharing.

Cheryl said...

I loved seeing the sweet pictures from the father/daughter ice cream social! But I think my biggest smile came when you described your evening!

Boys! =D

Vee said...

Dads jumping with their little cool! A memory maker for sure.

Debbie said...

Love everything about it from the decorations themselves to the festive colors. I just love stuff like this. I need to remember the idea of the hanging ice cream cones and records for future theme reference.

Becky K. said...

Love it! Happy memories of a special evening. Thanks to Lindsay for sharing her photos.

no spring chicken said...

What a great thing to do. I love the decorations and of course the jump rope contest photos are priceless!

Blessings, Debbie

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