Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 14, 2013

Hand Milled Soap Giveaway!

I have amazing friends.  

Becky makes fantastic candles - You can find her at her Etsy store here.  I know some of you know her and buy her candles, they are the greatest!

Now I want to introduce you to my friends who make soap! 

 John and Bonnie have been making soap for their family for several years and keeping all the amazing goodness to themselves.  Becky had the idea of them try to match some of her candle scents with their soap.  I told them I'd sell it in our store and voila!  A business was born - Laurel Hill Naturals.

This soap is wonderful.  In fact we love it so much that I had to hide the bars for the giveaway from Lindsay!  She is out of her last bar of the Citrus and was looking for more!

The ingredients are simple - listed on the back of the soaps.  It lathers beautifully and smells great!

Because I love you I want you to experience the delightfulness of their soap as well.

There are four bars to give away - Lavendar Vanilla, Citrus, Oatmeal and Unscented.  Winner takes all!

Leave a comment if you want to be entered to win.  Feel free to spread the word, or not if you want a better chance at winning!  

I'll draw the winner on Monday!


Ginny said...

I would love to be entered in your drawing! There's nothing like a bar of handmade soap.

Angela said...

The soap sounds amazing! Would be just what I need for a tub soak after a hard day of gardening! Thank you for including me. Angela

Carol said...

I have used the citrus & oatmeal, love it! Thank you for entering my name in the drawing.


bananaorangeapple said...

I would love to enter, if you allow entries from Australia. I find handmade soap is so so so so much better than the supermarket stuff. So I'd be really happy if I won!

Melissa G said...

Ohh, these look amazing. I love the sound of the Lavender Vanilla.

lijahmom said...

Have to enter, I want to try making soap this summer :) Love your blog!

sue said...

I LOVE lavender! And scented soaps! I will share with my daughters! Sue

Unknown said...

Love the packaging on the soap. Please enter me in the giveaway :-)

no spring chicken said...

These sound wonderful. The ingredients list looks just the way I like it... short and sweet!

Thanks for putting my name in the drawing. :)

Blessings, Debbie

Unknown said...

I love the packaging of your soap! Please enter me in your giveaway :-)

Unknown said...

I would love to try your soap. I have tried Beckys candles and love them.

Deanna said...

oh! oh! Oh! ...add me to the drawing please. I can almost smell the sweet scents :)
thanks, Deanna

KarenW said...

Please enter me in your drawing. I love handmade soaps!

Unknown said...

They sound wonderful! I love all things homemade :)

Sheree said...

Would love to try handmade soaps!! Thanks.

The REAL EverSewSweet said...

Handmade soap is something special. I love it. And these fragrances sound wonderful!

Mercy said...

Your soaps sound truly wonderful. I love using handmade, scented soaps. I think my favorites are the lavender and citrus scented soaps. Then again, I love the oatmeal and the peppermint through the years, also. I just love soaps. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this give-away.

Vee said...

Oh I love handmade soaps and I vaguely remember Becky mentioning them. I certainly love the name!

Lorrie said...

Handmade soaps are wonderful. The fragrances sound lovely. I'd love to enter if you're accepting entrants from Canada.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Those soaps sound wonderful!

We've had two lovely days after the storms went through. Now heat is to build up again but so far we have only had a couple 90 degree days.

It has been as wet as last year was dry. Now, if only the rain would come every few days and gently so the garden and deck flowers are watered perfectly. ;)

Vivien @ Word of God Shop said...

I like handmade soaps. Sign me up for a giveaway. Thanks...

Unknown said...

I love natural, handmade soaps! The kind we use now has soy oil, but just recently heard soy messes up your hormones even if absorbed externally. I'm excited to find these are w/out soy. Do you know if they use essential oils? if not, what is the "fragrance" mentioned? now off to spread the word... =)

Esther said...

From an older grandma to a younger grandma, who also got married at 24...who admires what God has done in your life...who likes the ingredients in the soaps AND also likes the missing ingredients.

Cheryl said...

You do have talented friends! I loved the hot chocolate candle that you gave me (made by Becky). I am also loving the blueberry muffin candle that Vee gave me (also made by Becky). I am "rationing" that one so that it will last longer. :)

I would love to be put in the drawing for these lovely handmade soaps. The scents are so appealing...but so is the presentation. I'd hardly know whether to put them on display in my bathroom or actually use them for washing!

Heaventaste said...

I love handmade soaps! They are so luxuriant and full of the good stuff! Not harsh chemicals! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

heaventaste @ hotmail dot com

Jill said...

That sounds so luxurious. I have never tried handmade soap before. Love the ingredients! I use coconut oil as a moisturizer.

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